
Thank you. I for one am so sick of these social justice warriors. Staaap it already! If something inappropriate happens, or is about to happen, Learn to speak up for yourself for Christsakes.

Early 80s gay culture was way weird and this is totally possible and probably wouldn’t have been considered a big deal at the time.

What else did you expect him to say then? Do you remember what happened 20 yrs ago much less 40? Has Takei ever exhibited this pattern of behavior?

Indeed. This is a perceptional discussion. From the account, he tries to imply he was black out drunk, but his “time jump” seems unusually short. It’s likely he blacked out, not passed out. Getting shitfaced and fucking was not uncommon in the ‘80s, Hollywood, or gay culture.

If he did it, I don’t doubt he doesn’t remember it. It goes back to the imbalance of interactions between celebrities and non-celebrities, and how significant those moments are in each party’s life. For Takei, this was just another man. For the accuser, it was Sulu from fucking Star Trek. The encounter probably

The thing is, sexual harassers usually have a pattern of behavior. Takei has been in a monogamous married relationship for over 30 yrs now with no other accusations of infidelity or harassment.

Takei has had ZERO rumors of any kind of abuse unlike the zillions of other horny men being called out now. I’m inclined to believe him against the current.

I’ll react the same way I would with literally any other accusation. I don’t know the man. One accusation is to be taken seriously. Many allegations against men with a (DOCUMENTED) history of misogyny / harassment, as in, on video, is much harder to question. In this atmosphere I don’t think we can ever rule out