
WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED. wonder where he learned to treat women like that. Couldnt have been dear old dad...

Maybe it’s just me, but somehow I get the sense that Trump fans aren’t going to recognize this as art/protest and simply will go “HURR DURR! LOOKIT THEM NAKED BROADS!!!”

Well, if you’re from Chicago and you want something within a two-hour drive, it sure as shit beats Wisconsin, which can GET. REAL. FUCKED.

NYE 1999 belonged to him.

I’m sorry that she had to go through all of that surgery and trauma and have it all fail because of something so seemingly minor.

Rudy sucked balls.

Now I’m confused because Europe uses the metric system; maybe I’m only a 6 in America, but it converts to a 10 overseas?

How many do you have to have until they are no longer French braids? Cause the chick in the header (on the left) has like.... four. I always associate cornrows with all the other pictures, where it is a lot of smaller braids. Am I crazy?

You see that ad with all those ugly broads repeating my statements?! Not one of them was as bangable as my daughter Ivanka.

I don’t understand what this has to do with Trump wanting to have sex with his daughter.

When an affectionate term like dear is used by a stranger/person in a position of power it always comes off as super condescending to me.

A quick Google search confirmed my gut reaction: Florida.

Abso-fucking-lutely, Senator Warren.

I honestly think that the difference is that all of the examples you listed affect all sexes. Tampons will only ever be necessary to women, while every other medical or hygiene product (even if marketed to a specific gender) has utility for everyone. Yep, even condoms.

“Hey, I do just fine without those things, whatever they are. If I can get by without a fancy luxury product like that, anyone can. Buckle down! Fiscal discipline! Personal responsibility! Now, Viagra, that’s a medical necessity...” – Utah Clueless Dude Quorum

All. Male. Panel. For tampons. All male. No ladies. Just dudes. Tampons. Dudes. Just dudes.

Let’s play Clue, shall we?

This is where Donald Trump came from.

They had the PERFECT opportunity to classify feminine hygiene products as necessary goods and remove the luxury tax! Why did this not happen!