Merry Happy Merry Deleted

“Especially for those (of) us in the pro-life movement”

“And in the case of Planned Parenthood, they have now been exposed for being involved in the trafficking of fetal human tissue for profit.”

I never understood the Deen love. Boyish smile or no, I’ve seen him in way too many videos that simulate rape, and I could never understand how someone who purports, even mildly, toward feminist self-identification could justify that.

I’m in a bad place, I guess.

Only watch if you want to feel disgusted and creeped out.

Yep. Just saw people yesterday talking on Facebook about how terribly middle eastern countries treat women and how we shouldn’t accept refugees. And all I could think was, “Yeah, because we don’t have assholes who hate women and terrorize them in this country.” And then this. For once, I wish I was wrong. But even

Of course he is a white evangelical male. Of course he is.

This is Terrorism and I would not be surprised if this garbage was born in the USA.

Oh noooooooooooo! I’m a male receptionist; am I going to catch The Gay? I’ve been at this job almost 9 years now? IS IT TOO LATE?

I’m so sorry-another tragedy that could have been avoided if your parents had just given you more trucks to play with and kept you from working in lady jobs.

Have we reached a point where all cultural sharing is off limits? That seems so... stagnant.

So good....

Why are people attracted to him? I do not get it.

Can we please not make “comparing things that are not blackface to blackface” a thing? I generally support the sentiment of this boycott but that’s just offensive. Don’t try to prop up your own arguments by using shock tactics, it’s like the people that compare everything to hitler. It’s lazy(like the writing in this

Are you fucking kidding, what the fuck are you on about! I'm not getting a dog

If you can’t afford the dog, how will you afford food and vet bills?

Right? How often lately does Russia do something that A) makes the news and B) isn’t batshit insane? Wookitizfaaaaace.

Damn Russia, that’s actually very sweet of you...

I wish every church in the country received semen in lieu of donations.

So it’s sort of the opposite of why most churches have to close.