But can the Sapphire set $44 billion on fire as fast as the Plaid?
Wow, this is awesome context! Thanks.
this is VERY IMPORTANT, ill star this, thanks!
What? No Predestination, seriously? 🤨
I’m pretty sure it’s a ski rack. Or a LRM-10 mount point.
They are, New World runs on Gamelift. This comment is a bit technical, but maybe interesting if you’re curious about how this stuff works. I used to work for an MMO middleware company in the early 2010s, so server scaling was a big part of my job. I’m not in that job any more but I still keep up with changes and I…
I don’t know anything about parenting and I never had the desire to become one. My cats are my children.
As a dev working working some hardcore end-game Raid content for a famous shooter-looter a few years ago I added a door with a button that looked like a riddle to get access to some loot. The button was just connected to a “change button to a random color” and I duplicated the setup right a little further this time…
There was an edition of Fahrenheit 451 produced with a fireproof slipcase. In House of Leaves, the minotaur really is trying to get you. Godot never shows up, so everyone who’s seen or read the play is still waiting. Metafictional touches can add to a work, and if WtWTLW had ended with a sense of total completion it…
Let’s give one up for the “I know this piece of art better than the people who created it” crowd.
Dreamcast used 4 Hall Effect sensors. What do they do? They detect magnetic fields, specifically from the bottom of the analog stick. As long as those sensors still work, the stick will always function as they should.
Anyone who followed the whole Suzuki Sidekick issue with CR should know that when CR really wants to destroy a company (in order to get more subscriber money to build a new headquarters), they can do it.
I was all excited about a New bespoke car until I saw used parts and AM let Journalists soil its pristine seats.
I liked the backgrounds. I lived in Nevada for a few years when I was a kid, and it reminded me of how different and beautiful it is.
Oh... nothing other than the entire PC framework. (Hence why PC's were called IBM-compatible until the late 90s).
I was there in Edwards when this happened
I didn't know Jalopnik had become a porn site.. oh well i will not complain...