
This is so fucked up on so many levels, not the least of reasons being that there is no regard for the CHILDRENS' safety in all of this.

It is egregious enough that they aren't considering her, but even if we set that aside for a second, how could it possibly be emotionally healthy for those children to be contacted

This dude only got 9 years as punishment for trying to kill someone and he gets pics of her children? Oh hell no. Hell. No. This is terrifying. Is he going to get visitation after his release too? I think your parental rights kind of end at throat slitting.

Wow, are they serious? Patriarchal society: how it makes women look like "unfit mothers", but a man was caught attempting to kill his wife still has the power to be a father from behind bars. Unbelievable. And he only got nine years?! Wow, wow.

I have two minds about this. One is that you are totally right — a fashion show is no place for a toddler. No one else would dare to bring a baby there. The other is, these are parents who, if they don't take their kid to work on a semi-regular basis, would never, ever see their kid. It's actually kind of nice to see

I imagine Bruce telling each daughter a different story, a la Tyrion Lannister, and seeing which version makes it out into the gossip ether first.

the night belongs to taylor swift

I think my favorite was when people said Sarah Silverman only got funny when she started dating Jimmy Kimmel. What...?

How the FUCK is this troll black and I have been on Jezebel for years and I'm still grey?

You changed the genders throughout your story, which may be an innocent typo, but it stuck out as odd to me right away.

I'm gonna go ahead and do one better than the last comment. If this isn't some kind of ridiculous troll attempt (and I fully suspect it is), turn your damn ass into the cops right fucking now. You've stolen a baby. You are pretty much a monster.

Ok, so I strongly suspect that this is some MRA bullshit.

It's my first solo V-Day in 12 years. And honestly, it's sort of a relief. It's possible that I could be repressing and avoiding feelings, but who knows. Slept in, worked out, ate pickles, and gonna hang out with the fur kids and read/watch a movie/bourbon it up. Sometimes the thought of possibly being alone for the

Most women don't know they are pregnant until a few weeks after a missed period and drink and smoke until they realize pregnancy is a possibility. My ob/gyn answered (when I asked that very question) that she had never seen a case of fetal alcohol syndrome that was the result of a mother drinking up until the time she

smoking and drinking in the first weeks of pregnancy is not likely to cause damage. The embryo is like the size of a pea, if it exists. I hope you find out soon!

Pretty much every time a female artist dates a male artist, a bunch of people rush to attribute her success to him.

How about cunnilingus so good it makes sparks fly out of her pussy?

Husband popped out and grabbed some flowers for me this morning when I wasn't paying attention. ("Hm, I wonder what Husband is up to? He's awfully quiet..." No shit, he was at the flower shop, dummy). He walked in with a big bouquet, and it was the most wonderful thing because I fucking LOVE flowers, but we've been to


Sweet. The shoes look exactly like the walker one will need after falling in them. I mean, I danced en pointe, but this is blowing my mind.

These shoes would be less painful that that ridiculous surgery.