I'm sorry, but that opportunistic twatwaffle was able to get away with that shit for so long because we're so obsessed with men accepting feminism, and we practically suck the dick of any man who acts like a decent human being. We shouldn't have to dilute the meaning of feminism to gain popularity, we should be…
"Hey Bras, guess who's paying child support in 9 months and spreads STDs!? Yup! It's this Bra!"
It is important to attract men to feminism in some contexts. In places where women have no power, you're going to have to appeal to a male power structure to advance.
It's not a "non-story" and I'm really sorry this happened to you. This is exactly the sort of thing that happens over and over that men (notallmen) think is ok and is NOT.
It does sound like something from Portlandia.
If these guys can learn all the theory but still fail to respect women, I think it shows evidence of some kind of pathology, something that prevents them from having enough empathy for other people to balance others' needs and against their own needs and desires.
Originally from Michigan, he strove for an anti-capitalist lifestyle, the pinnacles of which were his militant veganism and leadership in the biking community.
"What's with this creepy obsession with avoiding condoms I wonder? It seems to be a common thread."
I have met some men who identify as feminist and are actually feminist, but it definitely takes more investigation to find out whether they really are. If it's just among a list of things they think about and value politically, I don't always find it to be a red flag. But I think you're right that by and large men who…
I only trust men who listen more than they talk about feminism (in a conversation with women)
This is also my experience. I know many good men who might not read bell hooks, but who practice active consent, respect boundaries, and listen more than they speak when women are discussing their experiences. The guy that walks in yelling about his reading list and his personal practices is the guy that I do not…
You know, as a male feminist, I was interested by this:
"he described his infatuation with power dynamics as a fetish"
this is just horrible, but honestly, it makes me feel less alone. I didn't have to through what these people had to, but when I was 18, I started seeing this guy and after two dates he convinced me to come to his room (her had "get his jacket") where he told me he didn't want to have sex that night (I'm thinking,…
Yes, the part about listening more than they talk is the most important. I have encountered countless male 'feminists' who think that because they're feminists, they can go ahead and act as if they know more about feminism and women's experience than women do.
This is why I don't give a shit about attracting men to feminism. I don't give a flying toss if feminism has a marketing problem. I don't care that you don't feel 'welcomed into the community'. For too long popular feminism has been more concerned with it's image and "collecting members" than real action.
Creepy as fuck. I'd like to take this opportunity to note how glad I am that Schwyzer doesn't have an outlet on Jez any longer.
Oy, this is terrifying and depressing, and the phenomenon of 'macktivists' seems to be getting more and more prevalent as feminism has been getting more mainstream attention. I recently got an Okcupid message from a guy who went on about being a feminist, then made a rape joke in his questions. When I pointed this out…
I have never experienced assault at the hands of a male feminist, but I have experienced Macktivism for sure. I only trust men who listen more than they talk about feminism (in a conversation with women), who are feminist in actions but not necessarily name. I look for nuances in conversation, reactions to real world…