Games are better when they don't address diversity—better for whom? The world is not made of 99% straight white male, and neither is the customer base. I never heard of alienating half of potential players as good business strategy.
Games are better when they don't address diversity—better for whom? The world is not made of 99% straight white male, and neither is the customer base. I never heard of alienating half of potential players as good business strategy.
Bias = anything out of your comfort zone. Fanboys can complain about any little thing, but when a woman wants to write about gender, suddenly it crosses a line? I want more articles like this. And honestly, so should you. Learning to appreciate a different perspective can only be healthy for you.
Organic farming is more susceptible to climate change?
What is your priority whenever you approach a woman? To score a date? Well whenever a woman is approached by a man, her priority is her safety. Flat out rejecting a man can have unpredictable consequences, that's why women tend to use "soft" rejection. She is afraid that he will hurt her.
Are you a woman living in Texas? Because the article was by a Texan woman, who actually had to suffer the consequence of anti-choice crusades there. And she believed Wendy Davis to be the better choice.
No, in my ideal world this wouldn't be a moderate position. It would be a batshit crazy position.
I found this.
I could say the same about Lena Dunham. Her show has a lot if nudity, and she has said many times that nudity is part of her self expression and not to please anyone. Oh but people would never believe that! People insist that she must be getting naked to get men to fuck her.
It would be interesting to see a study whether men have fewer or more accidents with women in the passenger seat, telling them to slow down, "don't pass", or other boring shit.
I don't buy the sexual freedom argument for polygamy at all.
Women with multiple partners are more a fantasy than reality. Occasionally that happens, but take a look at countries that currently have legal polygamy, and you will see it is a tool to control women. Those countries also tend to have the least sexual freedom.
Yes, the privilege of being mass raped in the streets.
The women on both sides of the political divide are all very brave. It's just that their brothers have the tendency to throw them under the bus once the fight is won.
The man in that cartoon didn't know how to pour water into a pot. I think voting might be too much for his delicate brain.
How serious were the prosecutors about pressing charges? Judging from their press conference video, they were kind of cavalier about it.
Similar arguments had been made every time minimum wage was increased. What, did you think it was always $7.25?And no, the fast food industry did not collapse every time, nor did it force you to buy $10 burgers from vending machines.
I wish the god of dignified grace would just hand her the case for so confidently staring down at bullshit.
You've never read much feminist literature or interacted with real feminists.
If you were mocking, then my apologies.
It's about overall representation. Having a few playable female characters do not negate a hundred games which had none.