
I think it was because one of the free folk had a pet boar and they were afraid the two animals would battle.

If only Renly brought a peach to their parley! We would have seen if Stannis really meant it:

What if, when they attempt to burn his body… it doesn't burn. DUN DUN DUUUNNNNN!!!!!!

I can't help but wish we had more of the Winterfell story from the book. When the old woman said "The north remembers" at the beginning of the season I got so pumped. Since then, it seems like the north has forgotten.


Unless they have a plan. If Sansa gets pregnant, than no matter how much we HATE the "Sansa rape" plot line… it plays an important role.

Winterfell story was by far my favorite in ADWD. Without the Freys, Manderlys, Karstarks and "the hooded man" it is a flat story line. The plotting and backstabbing going on made me think of King's Landing in ACoK and ASoS. Which are by far the best story lines in those books.

I could be wrong, but I thought she went to the Sept with guards and her friend (Taena of Myr, I think). Then she goes in by herself because she doesn't want them hearing her plotting. Then it backfires.

BOOOOO! Manderly's are the only family that give you any hope in the book that the Starks can return. Without that, it's just too bleak.

You my friend are 100% correct. Mermen all the way!

Littlefinger would watch Westeros burn, if he could be king of the ashes. The more great houses can weaken each other, the better it is for him. The Vale lost no troops or supplies during the Battle of the Five Kings. He could be in prime position if the North wars on itself and if Highgarden and KL/Lannisters

I think we can all agree on two things:
1) Really hoping Bronn isn't going to die because of the cut from the Sand Snakes poison blade.

In the book, with her inner-monolog you see how brilliant she thinks she is until it comes crashing down on her head. That's the one thing I wish the show could do. I understand that they can't accomplish this without ruining their current narrative system but damn it would be awesome.

Bronn got cut by a Sand Snake's blade… Assuming it has poison on it (like the Red Vipers) we shouldn't expect to have Bronn around for too much longer.