Mermaids Can't Bake

Yeah, after fighting Lyme disease for 2 years and ruining my intestines with antibiotics, I don’t need friends who are giggling at me or consider me a pain in the ass. Don’t invite people if you’re not happy to have them there. By the way it’s not always allergies, sometimes it’s FODMAP which is malabsorption and can

Why is this just up to the Millennials? If you are advocating that people break up with their families, Millennials are in about the worst position to do that (saddled with debt, lots still living at home, etc.)

Time to go look for those Horcruxes.

Hey Ivanka: Guess whose shoes I keep seeing at the Goodwill?

I feel like this has irreparably damaged the office of POTUS, tbh. It used to be prestigious, and you had to work for it for decades, postition yourself, gain knowledge and skill and directly-related experience. Now we’ve elected a reality tv star with no ability to form a coherent paragraph, much less policy, and

In 2000 people were worried about stupidity taking power and slowing social change. It wasn’t nearly as disappointing as the idea of hate taking power and reversing civil rights.

Deadspin writers decided to publicly document all the ways they think they are above the election and reinforce the fact that even when faced with actual racist fascism, reminiscent of Nazi germany, white dudes don’t have much to fret about. 

I’m going to rant, pointlessly, in the greys. Do you hate the system? Do you want to change things? Then get involved in local government. Hell, get involved with the party you most agree with, and change it. Don’t make a vague plan to vote for the perfect thing that will be just the best, once you come up with it.

Actually I think Clinton is a lot like Daenerys. It starts to get really obvious when everyone in Meereen hates her even though she’s doing everything humanly possible to fix their problems and start telling stories about how she eats babies and stuff.


I have a friend who went to U Penn with Trump Sr. Yes, the one running for President. My friend is an older, East Coast conservative family white man, and he *despises* Trump. He describes Trump as the most despicable, venal human being he has ever met, with no redeeming characteristics.

It’s not though. This is pretty standard for conservation projects. It’s not simply a matter of hot gluing sequins on and calling it a day. It will require a lot of research and analysis. Finding the appropriate materials, ensuring that the shoes are not further damaged, ensuring that whatever restoration technique is

If the idea is to do it exactly to spec, that involves researching the materials used and the construction, sourcing or re-creating said materials, preserving as much of the original shoe as possible, and (here’s the clincher) hiring the people to dedicate their time to doing so and make it look like it wasn’t a

I understand this is expensive. But I can’t get a perfect line with such ease with any other pen I’ve tried (Kat Von D and Stila included). It’s also lasted me over a year without drying up.

I understand this is expensive. But I can’t get a perfect line with such ease with any other pen I’ve tried (Kat

ok guys. i’m a crier. i’m a sweater. i am just generally a gooey person. my eyes are CONSTANTLY watering. this stuff does. not. move. lined my water line? wake up - still intact. the tip is super precise, and it goes on with one swipe (no need to re-trace to make it actually black).

ok guys. i’m a crier. i’m a sweater. i am just generally a gooey person. my eyes are CONSTANTLY watering. this stuff

Stila all-day waterproof liner pen. I have tried it all, and this one is the best. I tried to use the YSL and Laura Mercier gel pots, both transferred. The kat von d skips. The mac penultimate is atrocious. I love stila all-day pen and then I sometimes use the Mac liquidlast liquid liner to go over the flick if

Stila all-day waterproof liner pen. I have tried it all, and this one is the best. I tried to use the YSL and

Well, the number of rapists, abusers, and harassers can’t be very tiny, given the number of women who have experienced rape, abuse, and harassment. I’d suspect his fan-base is very well-rooted in that large-ish pool of abusers, rapists, and harassers.

This is the way some - perhaps many in the past - white men in business have behaved for decades (centuries, even). I don’t think he gave it a second thought as being problematic to running for President, because it used to be so, so, so common for entitled men in power to harass women in this way.

I think letter writer one calling women “cruelly attractive” says a lot about his interactions with women. Dude, she wasn’t born with symmetrical, conventionally accepted features just to spite you. She’s not existing just to be mean to you. That’s a big red flag to me.

Yeah, those were big red flags to me. Attractive women are not being cruel to you just by existing. It sounds like he has deepee issues with women and sexuality.