Well, the Seal of the Confessional has been around since at least 1151 CE, so there’s a long tradition requiring what is said during confession to be kept secret.
Well, the Seal of the Confessional has been around since at least 1151 CE, so there’s a long tradition requiring what is said during confession to be kept secret.
I went to the one in Providence during restaurant week a few years ago and was unpleasantly surprised at how not-great it was. Even with the restaurant week special, it felt like overpaying for basic Italian-American classics that I can prepare better myself.
Brown has said they will comply: http://www.providencejournal.com/news/20160824/…
Court documents unearthed last week also suggest that police believe that Turner took photographs of his victim and shared them with teammates on group messaging app GroupMe.
I need to know more about why Piper Gille is wearing those tattoo tights. Not a good look.
I can’t tell if you’re being serious, though of all the ancient Egypt conspiracy theories, a gynarchy is definitely my favorite. Much better than aliens.
Egyptologists aren’t the ones advocating that the pyramids were built by slaves...that’s Hollywood.
Tarkhan is not “south of Egypt,” it is a late Predynastic to Early Dynastic Period cemetery in northern (Lower) Egypt that is south of Cairo.
The point here is that if she was so intoxicated that she can’t remember consenting, legally, she could not consent. She isn’t required to consider it rape if she doesn’t feel violated, but she also can’t frame it as consensual sex.
Yup, grew up owning this on video (dubbed in English, though).
Honestly, the only reason to even do a wedding registry at Bed Bath & Beyond is because you know everyone invited to your wedding gets the coupons and wants to shop there instead of Macy’s, etc. I think the registry completion discount is only 10%, so it’s cheaper for registrants themselves to just use the coupons,…
By applying the most basic archaeological standards, yes, it is unethical.
The Greens are behind the funding of what they call the Green Scholars Initiative, which funds research for the Museum of the Bible. They collect ancient papyri in manuscripts - often found reused as cartonnage material in Roman period Egyptian mummy masks - and dismantle the mummy masks in order to recover the papyri…
Personally, I’m a fan of Skellie.
Currently, the black ballet flats I have are the Nine West Classica. I found mine at T. J. Maxx/Marshalls last fall, but you can still find them on 6pm.com or Amazon; 6pm seems to be the better deal, selling the black leather version in all available sizes for $39.99.
Currently, the black ballet flats I have are the Nine West Classica. I found mine at T. J. Maxx/Marshalls last fall,…
So you have no response to her assertions that conversations about rape culture were continuously shut down and avoided by school deans? Or that even with the education in place, that the school cannot do better to change students’ dangerous attitudes about consent?
In case anyone is surprised, Chumley was the rep who opined on video about how sad it was that “these people” waited their turn to be shot. He apparently clarified that statement, but of course, didn’t alter his views on the flag.