
A lot of the people “bitching” at Hello Games aren’t even people who bought the game.

You don’t need to have bought a game in order to disagree with a certain practice. Regardless of whether or not you had fun with the game, the fact remains that the way the game was advertised is completely and objectively wrong. You

I got “our” $400 console as a Christmas gift for my gf last year, when I had a steady job. When we moved together, it became ours together with her not-very-amazing tv that she bought as a student. I have broadband, but not a PS subscription. I lost my job earlier this summer, and when I signed a contract for a new

I’m sorry it disappoints you but it’s absolutely the same thing as passing entire prendered videos off as your actual game.

Believe it or not there is a middle ground here. I’m upset about the incredibly false advertising and the blatant lies told by Sean Murray. Will I fire bomb his house or post about wishing his death? Fuck no. But to act like people are being unreasonable because they’re pissed about how this all played out is asinine.

We’ve historically bootstrapped indie game companies in a patronizing way but now that indie companies have been able to release titles that rival AAA productions our expectations of them are no longer “Isn’t that game cute”. When you’re up on the stage at E3 talking about your game and putting it in a $60 box people