Oran J Sands III

I started work on a FrankenCIS several years ago but using discrete components. Dropped it when work got too busy. Let us know how yours works out!.

That was probably Lucas injection. Never had my hands on one.

True. Not much to adjust but a lot of tricky bits to measure and verify proper pressures. Cold running is a constant issue but if you’re methodical it’s not hard to fix.

Oh yeah! Dirt and crap in the fuel messed up CIS in a major way!

It’s really easy to work on, it’s just that no one remembers how to do it anymore. I’ve had numerous customers who were sent away by dealers and repair shops. I print cards and place them under windshields of CIS fueled cars.

Bosch got their mileage out of CIS. Mechanical injection eventually managed by electronics for good emissions and decent performance. Easy to work with and adjust. Developed for WWII warplanes. Doesn’t hurt that I’m one of the last 3 people that seem to know how to make it work.

My first thought was “Gee, I’m sure I’ve seen that before” Probably in another (half) life.

It’s becoming obvious that Bernie is slowly shrinking away. I figure at this rate he’ll be knee-high by the 2020 season. Those F1 drivers he’s next to are NOT very tall themselves.

I usually edit it out but it gives you a sense of how small the GT40 is.

I’ve got this available and a bike rack that should fit.

I had this dream last night (and the night before that). I’m not sure that bike rack is up to Lemans speeds but we can always find out!

The two-seater is used to give rides around downtown all year for special events. Not uncommon to see it here.

For those not familiar with the design of the Dallara tub it is carbon fiber laid up over an inch-thick. Extremely hard to penetrate. Underscores how hard Hinch hit the wall!

The X11 had a “fixed” steering system where the steering rack was attached to the body and NOT the engine block. That was the reason for the wonky steering in the earlier models.

That’s actually a spoiler! Good choice!

Designed to avoid major cities! It goes around almost every city shown on the route.

Heel-toe-heel shifts!!

Morgan Stanley’s research shows that cars are driven just 4% of the year, which is an astonishing waste considering that the average cost of car ownership is nearly $9,000 per year.

By the Hollies?

I bought the album when it was new and listened to it every year for the next 10 years hoping I’d finally see the genius in their music. Never happened.