Were they still Datsun's or Nissans?
Were they still Datsun's or Nissans?
It's placed there so the action of turning the key turns the gears that lock the shifter into place when you park it. You probably know that because it's eventually rather frustrating. I always removed the gears so I could manage with out the interlock. Every time I took the car into the Saab dealer for work they'd…
During a session on the track at Indy Raceway Park I got off at the end of the backstraight at about 70. The grass was soaking wet and I spun at least twice and came back on three turns later still doing about 50. Continued to finish with the fastest lap of the day. I eventually fessed up.
One would assume that the wife/race split was to "involve female viewership". One problem with that. if there were any females watching THEY HAD ALREADY SAT THROUGH 3 HOURS OF RACING!! And you just pissed them off by ruining the ending. Absolutely the wrong call. And it was set up in advance! This was pre-meditated…
Remember when Indy had different rules for turbocharging and supercharging? So we had some Roots chargers on them and turbos on others all making absurd amounts of power. Ford turboed the quad cammer and while Mario was testing an early version managed to crap his pants when he found the cam was less than optimal.…
I think you're right. Their cars would have these huge rectangular exhaust pipes that ran the length of the car. They also had several cross-country racers that they set records with stored in there. All of these were eventually sent out to be cleaned up and restored and are now in Cummins' headquarters (I think.…
The Offy didn't have a "head" like most engines. The head was machined into the block. Pistons went in from the bottom as I recall. And that's why it took to 'charging so well. No headgasket to blow.
Best way to watch the race is to also listen to the Indianapolis Motorsports Network on the radio. From Wikipedia
These engines were incredible. The drivers would rev them in the pits and as the revs dropped it'd create a subsonic boom that rattled the trackstand.
Check the video. The other driver's didn't drive over the curb. Just you, Ken.
When playing Unreal Tournament I discovered that the female forms were smaller in size making them harder to see in the distance compared to male forms. The hit boxes were precisely the same size but if I could see you first... HEADSHOT!
Hi Paul. During that particular test my comprehension was probably about 80% IIRC. I had often been hovering between 2000 and 4000 prior to that. Mind you I was doing all of this in a special reading lab with scanning machines and books that were measured for words per page so we could measure our rate. I had other…
Newspaper has half page ads every day for the last two weeks. Ads on during news times morning and evening. Not exactly a mystery. The road course is fun with the viewing mounds all over. Great place to watch.
Reminds me of when my father was asked by a city worked to use some of his factory's yellow traffic paint. Dad said sure and later walked out to his car to find a freshly painted yellow curb and a parking ticket. Called the Mayor and let him know just how happy he was to help out the city, this time.