
The Fifth Circuit includes the entire state of Texas, where Tesla is in the process of becoming a major employer, giving them ties to the region.

Last week, the local grocery store had Berner sausages, a cornerstone of south German/Austrian barbecues, at a 30% discount. If you’re not familiar, they are Vienna sausages that are stuffed with cheese and wrapped in bacon. Yes, I bought a lot, but still I feel I should have bought more because I already ate all I

Neutral: It’s good to be a gentile. I celebrated the life, death and rebirth of a Jewish guy by eating what seemed to be an entire pig. Still not sure where the pig comes into the story.

“I’m sorry, but your Ferrari’s policy specifically excludes damage that happens on a track.”

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The german broadcast has gotten a lot of criticism for runing ads mid-practice, but the race seems to have been ad-free, although Sky was recently at the receiving end of a twitter shitstorm for running ads during Bundesliga matches, so I’m not sure customers can trust them on that. And the deal also meant the end of

Yeah, from a purely public relations perspective the right move would have been to simply say, “We can’t comment on an ongoing investigation. Thank you.

If it makes one more affordable that would be nice.

I’m just taking issue with someone pointing to HIPAA as the reason it can’t be disclosed. Not even close. I don’t doubt that there could be some other CA specific law on the books. I don’t even really care about Tiger or this event. I just hate to see outright falsehoods slung around.

The other issue is the fact that the springs are just too damn stiff, meant for a later-model Cherokee (which was A LITTLE heavier) with a winch and steel bumper. My lightweight 1992 with its stock thin sheet metal bumper and lack of winch can barely even compress those coil springs up front...”

So it could come down to one of two things: It’s something that incriminates Woods, or it has to do with his health.

HIPAA doesn’t apply to investigations by law enforcement. They aren’t a covered entity.

That wasn’t even Bristol’s craziest design. Napier made even wilder stuff. Look up Napier Nomad for some real madness.

GA pilot here (my company owns 2 206's like this, among others) - low, slow, and in a steeply banked turn is NO place to be. Even guys with Redbull logos on their wings don’t do it slow. I don’t see or hear any evidence of mechanical failure, which says this is very, very poor decision making by the pilot. From the

Gender Revel Party Leads to Tragic Food Coloring Tsunami

I should have clarified left in gear and rolls backward. If the engine counter rotates, the way the timing belt route/tensioner is designed, it’ll causes the belt to slip and jump teeth on the cams. Then when you crank... valves go bye bye.

So my husband’s like “There’s something on Jalopnik about a ridiculously poorly engineered thing where if you turn the wheels it destroys the engine. Let’s see if it’s one of our cars!

“I think one of my favorite states of mind is something I call appreciative bafflement: A state of confusion so deep and profound that you’re genuinely impressed and appreciate the efforts taken to make such confusing, deeply fucked decisions.”

Let’s not forget its cousin, the Alfa Busso V6, that if allowed to roll backward would unwind the timing belt and similarly mulch its valvetrain upon starting.

There is a perfectly Italian explanation for the rear window: