
But this goes back to your first point, doesn’t it? About how companies only change when it’s economically viable? So yes, I do deeply believe that if GM had been encouraged by their partners in the fuel business to explore and push the development of a mass-produced passenger EV vehicle in the 90s then the profit

I dunno, I rely on the Internet but I still hate my cable company for the way they block any competition while charging me exorbitant rates.

I am so conflicted about this cause I am turbo gasoline nut but it’s for the best. I worry about availability for my project car though in the future. I plan to never get rid of my gas powered ride but I do want an electric as well. It’s just hard for me as a petrolhead.

This is, and always will be, a terrible argument. You can’t criticize China for its human rights abuses because they produce 90% of the parts in your phone. You can’t complain about your boss to your friends because he’s the one paying your salary. You can’t take issue with the police because they’re the ones

During the early years on that job, the company had me use a personal vehicle. I racked up so many miles, the mileage paid it off in the first year. After the second year, they declared I needed a company vehicle and got a 4x4 since I spent a lot time at unpaved sites; and traveling in adverse weather conditions.

Microsoft has tried to offer them deeply discounted licenses, with very limited success.

But it’d be a lot funnier if they did both and called it Diablo 1 + 2

@ 7 years ago, company had a machine go down running win 95. Mass email went out asking everyone in the company if they could search their homes for an install disc.

We'll update to this shiny new OS/2. It has a dos machine built in!

Next he’ll mod a PC into my old Go-Bots Command Center.

Plenty of machines from 20 years ago have use DOS or Win95 indeed and use obscure drivers that don’t work on newer machines. Or it’s embedded and just cannot be upgraded because nobody thought about it, that it would be needed.

Then again, if a company uses systems that are deemed ‘insecure’ but they are only running

Such a great game. Really makes you feel like an asshole for continuing to play it.

Such a great game. Really makes you feel like an asshole for continuing to play it.

It doesn’t get mentioned much because the overall story tends to overshadow it, but one of my favourite aspects was the nature of the melee kills. They start off quick and efficient, but by the end of the game they’re brutal curb stomps, and accompanied by comments like “just f***ing DIE!” from Walker. The progression

It doesn’t get mentioned much because the overall story tends to overshadow it, but one of my favourite aspects was

considering your previous posts dealing with your city/HOA, it would appear to me you’ve owned and unloaded quite a bit of automotive stock recently.

It makes me sad to see a PS2 sitting on a garbage pile. I was a teenager when they first launched, and it was pretty much impossible to find one. Online ordering wasn’t really a thing back then, so that meant I had to call brick & mortar retail stores every morning asking if they got any. The day somebody finally said

I think the kids locked in cages and the people who lost family to Covid found it pretty fucking meaningful. He also undermined our elections and attempted to overthrow the government, which to quote Joe Biden is “A Big Fucking Deal”. I could go on but I’m sick of the fucker. Do not minimize the fucker, shit was not

Trump wife #4.

I am a professor of Education who teachers in a teacher education program. Upon her confirmation, a colleague said “Maybe she won’t be so bad. I’d like to give her a chance.

Sure, you could get yourself a regular glass of thin water, but when you really need something to cure that grit in your mouth, I know what I reach for...

Taking more than one mint as you leave the restaurant.