
It’s pretty hard to cut when fresh from the market so you’ll want to cook it to the point of al dente at the very least. It’s not long to do so but you’ll need to test and taste to your personal likes. I usually like to get it to a med-soft consistency where it basically is like a well-cooked potato. Some like it bit

Aw. They should take the expedient and easy step of providing free gas and diesel through the existing gas and diesel providers. That way you don’t have to pay for building any extra infrastructure and equipment, the existing shops will have jobs, and since they usually provide food at those QuikStop type stations,

Basically, this is going to be bad for him just like when California elected Arnold for governor. People who are rich and then get elected think that once they’re in office, everyone will roll over for them and things will go their way. The idiots who think because Caruso built a nice and expensive mall is going to

So how much does Texas ToiletPaper Truck insurance cost? Doing some comparison shopping just in case.

Probably got the bill, still had the pain, and lost it. It’s the modern American health system in action. 

I’ve learned that the trial confirmed everything I suspected about Depp being a creep from day one of his stardom. Amber Heard was going to run into the Depp Wall of Denial from day one. Any jerk can be a sh***y ex-husband but it takes a special one to claim defamation after going through an expensive divorce and all

A long time ago, in Isla Vista, Santa Barbara CA, there was an awesome local food hang called the Hamburger Habit. Back then, it served big burgers and you could ask it for everything for which you get a bunch of dressings and a big whack of chili. It was extremely affordable, tasty, and easy to eat. Alas, they went

A lot of people say how overbuilt these things are for off-road. Yet, so often I see these being dragged up onto a trailer after they’ve been trashed and broken their suspension somehow. Granted going off-road is always going to be a crash-fest but is the durability claim really warranted?

Last summer, I was driving through Selfloss and had some KFC there. It was quite popular and busy with the locals. Few burger joints compared to the US and even in Reykjavik, there were few. TBH, didn’t really miss it as the available food was good enough to be better than any fastfood burgers. The hotdogs are more

Definitely Kraftwerk and Tangerine Dream. Autobahn / Vernal Rapture. Chemical Brothers. Just from the electronica pov. 

Nice. Nothing like local rides.

Well, this is true. But in a way, most racing parts end up being used in an inappropriate fashion when they break due to exceeding design parameters. The build engineering certainly was a big oops though. Then again, even PJ admitted to pushing it a bit too hard. So, 50/50 split on responsibilities, I guess. 

Don’t forget Andy Granatellis 4WD gas-turbine STP-Paxton Indycar entry in 1967. Poor Parnelli Jones almost won the thing but for the bad $6 trans bearing. So close, yet so far. 4 laps more and he would’ve won it all.

If it’s April 1st, I must be drinking a Romulan Ale with my Denebian Slime Devil pet at my feet. 

Are you taunting a late contributor?

Well, it is capable of moving under its own power. Has the pre-requisites of general boat minimum standards and in its own way is way better than some small boats which could move faster. It’s a boat and the Coasties are right and the county is wrong. Granted it’s not as conveniently moved as a traditional small boat

You know, I worried about this when I went to Ireland last summer and got a diesel manual as a DD. Coming from a mainly auto DD for the last 2o years or so, I thought that driving left-foot braking back into lef- foot clutching and left-hand shifting would be a problem. Turns out not and that 6 speed diesels are

Vans are awesome.

1) Does Rock have a secret crush on Jada? Is he jealous of her?
2) Chris Rock can live off this for a while so why press charges?
3) People get made fun of in poor taste all day long. If you’re a celebrity, what’s new?

Hilarious. Don’t know if it was planned or written or simply spontaneous. Will people watch next years Oscars? If Chris Rock is there, maybe. The relativists going on about bad jokes and baldness are amusing as well. At the very least, Chris Rock gets a good bump living off getting hit by Will Smith for a few years.