
Ahhh, just a lot of dumbassery occurs in that area. Remember that Lambo that got launched into that parking structure a few years ago? Going way too fast and converted the car into an airplane for a few seconds. Then there was that Relativity Media guy and his McLaren over on Platt. Must be the air there or something.

There was a shot of someones tires at the 1st red flag. I thought it might’ve been Maxs; the inside edge of the the tire was heavily beat up for just the few laps they had. IIRC, those hards were swapped for the mediums on the 2nd red flag. I’d guess this made up for the time splits between Ham and Max where Ham could

Oh, I dunno. As a casual peruser, the Horus Heresy had its decent stuff every now and then. It would be fun to see a dev shop do a quality rendition of one of those novels. Maybe ‘A Thousand Sons’ or ‘Prospero Burns’? 

They’re all younglings.

It’s always a crapshoot, no? Why RB chose mediums is beyond me. Did they think that the weather was getting to get than much cooler? And then deciding to stay on that set after the 1st red flag was another odd call. To me, the fact that Ham couldn’t make big gains 100% around the track and could only seem to make

The latter since those 2 are really just the class ahead of the field. It’d take something serious for Max to DNF or not come in 1st overall or even ahead of Ham. The possibility exists of course but the same goes for Ham. A lot of pressure on both that’s for sure. As it is, Max should’ve won this race but mistakes on

Must be Wisconsin. They should just find a job with Paul Ryan, owner of the Job Cuts and Tax Acts Act. Surely he’ll take care of them. 

Just a few comments :

It’s not really hard. The main thing about that is figuring out where your gearing is relative to your speed or where you want your speed to be. Since every car is geared differently and has different shift points for torquiness, it varies. But the method is always the same. The one advantage of using a v8 powered car

It’s generally so lacking anyways that if I go to Macs, softserve is not even on the list of things I get from there. If I want icecream there’s a dozen ways to get better ice cream. Besides the softserve at Jacks is better anyways.

Actually, it’s not so hard if you do it for a few days. By the end of it, it’s pretty much the same thing. Drove a 6 speed diesel and it became pretty easy. The only difference for me was going from 4-5 speed layouts to a 6 speed layout. Otherwise, the biggest thing was driving on lefthand British roads. That took a

DB Cooper is actually Dick Simon. 

Perhaps you’re suffering from a temporary triskaidekaphobia attack. The best way out of that might to acquire 1 more vehicle (+1=14) or sell one (-1=12). You’re definitely not a baker so that might be a plan (at least not an edibles baker). 

It’s sad and bad. The actual volume of the classified cars is quite small compared to the volume of “real” cars on the road. If these administrators were smart, adopting compliancy regulations would be a far better route than bans. Especially since many states rely on taxes driven from car registrations and auto

Nothing like hiring the fox that’s been guarding the hen coop to find the fox that’s been raiding the hen coop. 

But hey, you’ll get a chance to watch the sequel if it ever gets to celluloid. There really are plans to do that so be prepared. 

Nice. TBH, much less rusty flags that’s for sure. 

Too funny. Sweet.

That’s actually a pretty fair deal since they’re getting free facility usage out of it. UC Santa Cruz has the RV Camper Park which houses single students in an RV park on campus. There are something like 42 spaces, IIRC, 8 have hookups and the rest are greywater-student responsible units. They cost $6K + a year, just

Yup. Just take a look at Deadspin. No comments allowed there. Wonder why?