Perhaps you’re suffering from a temporary triskaidekaphobia attack. The best way out of that might to acquire 1 more vehicle (+1=14) or sell one (-1=12). You’re definitely not a baker so that might be a plan (at least not an edibles baker).
Perhaps you’re suffering from a temporary triskaidekaphobia attack. The best way out of that might to acquire 1 more vehicle (+1=14) or sell one (-1=12). You’re definitely not a baker so that might be a plan (at least not an edibles baker).
It’s sad and bad. The actual volume of the classified cars is quite small compared to the volume of “real” cars on the road. If these administrators were smart, adopting compliancy regulations would be a far better route than bans. Especially since many states rely on taxes driven from car registrations and auto…
Nothing like hiring the fox that’s been guarding the hen coop to find the fox that’s been raiding the hen coop.
But hey, you’ll get a chance to watch the sequel if it ever gets to celluloid. There really are plans to do that so be prepared.
Nice. TBH, much less rusty flags that’s for sure.
Too funny. Sweet.
That’s actually a pretty fair deal since they’re getting free facility usage out of it. UC Santa Cruz has the RV Camper Park which houses single students in an RV park on campus. There are something like 42 spaces, IIRC, 8 have hookups and the rest are greywater-student responsible units. They cost $6K + a year, just…
Yup. Just take a look at Deadspin. No comments allowed there. Wonder why?
If he doesn’t like masks, surely football helmets are an impediment to sight and sound. Just take the helmet off and leave it off. It’s a guarantee that NFL games with the Pack will sell out and score big on TV points from that point on.
Well, one can be addicted to drugs or alcohol like his father and brother or addicted to psychological fantasies like he is. There are a lot of people in America who are offspring of psychonauts who have explored the ways of being crazy and as a result are psycho themselves.
Undertale, Portal series, Uncharted series, Horizon Zero Dawn
I’d say just the standard pedal bike for 12 months/100 miles a month would be a good idea. Even if it’s just to get people out and about and exercising as a gateway toward being more responsible. Start them young and it becomes a pathway for adult parents to emphasize personal safety first which then is followed by…
It’s nice that Toyota is making billions while keeping their costs under control. What would be nicer is if they told their dealers not to be total dicks about how their cars coming off-lease are suddenly going to priced way more than the lease originally was set up for. Because of the “lack of cars”, blah, blah,…
‘Murican Taliban shows itself.
I saw $5.09 fuel the other day. So we’re getting there.
Maybe all contracts are signed over Twitter?
I wouldn’t travel much during winter holiday season. It’s going to hit every airline soon and everything else surrounding the aviation travel industry as well.
I like the Transit Connect just ‘cuz schlepping people is a thing in my life. Otherwise, a Mustang, a Miata, or a Ranger. More than likely the Ranger. Possibly the ‘Stang since it’s possible to put 3-4 in there for a couple of minutes. Hate to give up the Miata though.
Interesting. But the last sentence is more intriguing.