
While the series is uneven, it’s a great shame they didn’t get a chance to go to S2. There were so many great ideas and options for the story to go to so many levels. The biggest problem with modern day episodic development is that many good, quality shows which make it through S1 simply are deleted because they

One might equate the two. However, the intent of each is entirely different. The effect of each is vastly different than the other. The Marshall Plan was an effort to prevent a recurrence of WW1 and WW2 in Europe, ensure the cooperation and continuity of the various European countries and to protect against communism.

Let’s see, well, in the last 50 years or so:

Well, I'd disagree a bit about the length of their soft power abilities. But you have a point.

Well, duh. But if they call their hand in for their own needs in spite of what Montenegro need, how do you think the natives will feel? If you’re a US citizen right now, how do you feel about China doing the deep dive of denial when it comes to the origins of COVID19? Rightly or wrongly, Chinese intransigence about

While US involvement in the ME is a mess, the ME has always been a European affair. We just happen to be the latest interloper because the Europeans and UK decided to let the big dog play with a minimum of their involvement which has resulted in the mess coming their way. It's  inevitable.

Lol, the Crimea was Russias to begin with. They just screwed up with the Ukrainians. A major portion of pre-Stalinist, Stalinist and post-Stalinist Russian notables were composed of Ukrainians. It’s just that Putting screwed up there.

The Uighurs are within their borders. It’s a vast difference to what’s needed to go to the Med and attack another country.

Sure. But, geopolitics aside, there comes a point when revolutions happen independently of US or EU involvement. The Med is like the wellspring of revolution. Is China going to be willing to underwrite a major military force to hold parts of that world? Are they going to spend the vast sums, life and treasure,

Stupid CCP. They are going to be in big trouble when their overseas investments turn out to be duds. When the local populace gets up in arms about how bad their situation is , is the CCP going to send in troops to enforce their new colonies? The Montenegrans have the option in the West to default, do the CCP have a

Looks exactly like one expects.

Yeah, Fatburgers fries are pretty damn good. I like the fries at The Habit too. They’re pretty excellent and very competitive in the burger dept. too. In my far distant youth, IIRC, Arbys used to have a fry set that would include a seasoned version which was basically a crispy fry fresh out of the fryer, put into a

To be correct, the native Taiwanese would prefer to be independent. It’s just that the last 60+ years of Chinese/KMT governing has everyone in the West thinking that Taiwan/the old ROC are the same. Not everyone in Taiwan thinks that way. Not to mention the fact that Japan used to have a bit of a claim on the island

Dick can go bugger himself. He and his fellow GOPturds made this entire conservative movement what it is and the economy with the stupid GWOT. NOW, he’s regretting it. Eff him and the horse he rode into Wyoming with.

Seriously? I have to install a damn app to figure out where to get some? Setup a table at the local grocery store and wear some masks, it’s not that big a deal unless you’re not willing to get vaccinated. In which case, I’ll just get some Oreo Mints instead.

I hope Akihabara doesn’t change too much. That place is awesome. The best shops were the ones in weird places. I’ll be sad if it turns into something crappy. As for this place, sure hope that when I go again, something like it will be around. I’d go to it in an instant. 

Eh. Sounds like Star Trek : TOS all over again. Used to be there’d be a LGBTQ/Alien sub channel set for every personal preference. Should be like that but the volumes set to 11 for EveryThing nowadays.

Ok, next time you go to an auto store, get something like this :

That looks like it’d be useful around a small ranch. I could get one for my area but to get to the more useful stores I have to cross over streets that are 35-45mph+.

I knew that looked familiar.