
Not to take away from the SpaceX success, but that’s a little like saying, the F-16 is the true success of flight story because we got to combine modern fluid dynamics, computational engineering, and jet engines and what went on before was, well, meh. If we really want to look at the first time this kind of thing went

Yeah, you’re right. CH4. Damn autocorrect. 

So will their crashes. The closest comparison will probably be the Soviet N-1 : 4 stages, 1->30 engines, 2 -> 8 engines, 3 -> 4 engines, 4 -> 1 engine. Sadly, that program didn’t have the huge advantage of modern electronics like the SuperHeavy will; all four N1 launches were vastly unsuccessful. The 2nd failure is

OTOH, he does own Bonds Lotus underwater car-sub....

Some people are very protective of SpaceX and Musk. 

To be fair, I think there are plenty of people who have criticized NASA over the years for making mistakes and decisions that eventually never paid off. IIRC, George McGovern didn’t have much good to say about NASA or going into space. NASA as a punching bag has been it ever since they were created in ‘58. A fair

Hence, the Earth cannot be round and thus must be Flat.

You know Douglas did this back in the mid-’90s with DC-X right? People from that program are working on Blue Origin. But Bezos is only slightly interested in doing it fast for some reason. 

The real reason.

Aw, man. That’s a trip down the memory lane. Went there once when a coworker who was in a band invited us to a show. About 20 people showed up which meant that going to after going to Okis, the Oki crowd outnumbered his gig. Kind of funny at the time. Hope he’s still around, he edited 4WD magazine for a while way back

I’d say that the car-dependency issue is just the tip of the iceberg. They really have not taken a good look at what they do overseas because they’re just too arrogant to think they do things poorly. 


Sad, yet hilarious. Good thing he didn’t cut anyone or two or 3 off....

More than prices inflate nowadays.

Too many miles for that price. 

Yeah, I wonder if Jalops has done an article on polyamide motors for Holtzberg or not. I want to say  yes but searching for that is probably going to be annoying. 

LOL. That’s awesome.

Eh. Evolution at work. I want to see how many get sick. Can long-haulers yell for that long?

Torchinsky, you have the patience of Job. 

This explains why the Brits are so good at F1. Detail, detail, detail. Even if it were mundane. Sounds like a proper Jalopnik also.