
Ahh. The literal chip off the old block! And had about as much success as that little chip compared to the old man. Well, it’s funny considering that he started out at Lotus with RG and Crashtor. Now all 3 are gone although RG is going to go with Dale Coyne at Barber this weekend. Jolyon, Jolyon, somewhere there’s a

Yes, he’s down there though he did score some points. His counterpoint to being the worst is the amount of money he brought. I mean he survived for more than just 1 season so....

Yes, but escapes the worst as he actually managed some points. Plus he has the excuse of driving with some truly awful hardware. OTOH, he was no miracle worker at the wheel either. He’s on the cusp of bad to worst really. His main advantage IS the money. Talent? Not much there but he at least blew only a few

Yeah, it was a great mag. In todays’ digital era it’d be really great to have since they had a pretty good view of what was going on at the local level too. It’d be way better than what ESPN or whatever has for racing information.

Oh no, I just used to be an avid reader of On Track magazine. Plus I worked at a bookstore where we carried a fair amount of car magazines but even better was only 1.5 blocks from a news stand that carried all sorts of great automotive magazines I can’t even remember the titles of anymore. Most of them were British

Me too. Wrecked my whole season of F1 viewing. Now that I know a little more of the story, I don’t blame F1 too much for what happened, he made his own bed literally. 

Yes, Lavaggi and Delatraz. Late season “stars”. LOL. They definitely qualify to be on the list of the worst. Have to say this is a hallmark of F1 financials. 

He did manage to score points. His teams were almost abysmal if not so. He was an ok driver but really better at business. The points have some meaning so... bad but not the worst? And as you say, we did get Michael Schumacher out of it although Schumacher probably would’ve done well with almost any of the other

Did he ever manage to get a Superlicense for F1? Pretty sure not at all. So doesn’t qualify for the competition.

LOL, yes, it does have that ring, doesn’t it? Not sure about him. He too had his share of bad luck and bad teams. I think the fact that he managed to have 4 seasons of ‘90s F1 (5 if you include his Minardi test driver season) and then somehow have a chance to come back in the ‘00s with Ferrari counts for something. I

No. Even though he shot himself in the throttle foot by living mainly in the US and not understanding the politics of F1 or even how an F1 team behaves internally, he wasn’t the worst. He did himself no favors by not committing to F1 but that doesn’t mean he was the worst. 

I’m not really leaning on Ide too much as the worst. He at least managed to finish one race (Aussie GP 2006). Considering he had little to no experience in an F1 car before and just had 4 actual F1 races to understand an F1 car and didn’t even speak English, he probably needed some Test Driver exposure first before

Yes, LOL, glad to see he has a sense of humour about it. 

Ok, so Nissany was so bad that he couldn’t even get himself out of a car in a practice accident in qualifying. I think that technically he only should’ve even been in the car for a testing session in a non-race weekend. But the fact that he somehow got into a car for an F1 race weekend does qualify him as an F1 race

But Crashtor did get pole position at the 2012 Spanish GP and then won the race as well. One could say he was lucky or luckier than the rest of the worst. But, OTOH, the fact that he got both pole AND the win kind of discounts him from the ‘worst’. Not the best, not even unlucky but still not the worst.

Every time this comes up, I always think, ‘who is the worst driver of modern F1?’ Well, if modern F1 is the electronic era that’d be about the ‘80s til now depending on the rules. There’s a lot of choices out there, some well known simply due to number of incidents or others who simply were so bad they never really

Sweet. Now I can send the kids over for a reason!

That’s the problem. If it’s 90-95 out, I’m going to be blasting the A/C. Especially if I have more than 1 passenger on board. 

Yeah, sad to hear this. Hopefully, someone will get the Cinerama Dome going on a separate, maybe architectural/historical deal. That place is pretty special. Saw the 2001:Space Odyssey rerelease there. 

Well, that depends too, doesn’t it? I agree with your posit but plenty of people practice rationale irrationally. It’s like driving a McLaren in snow storm; one can do it, one has done it. But why? Simply because one can? I dunno. I like BEVs. I like hybrids; had an RX350H which was a nice setup and so nice, the