
Sounds interesting. I wonder though if something based more on the suspension system or aerodynamics would be better. Something using tech similar to that Bladeless Vortex land based system being tested in Spain.

Yeah. Villanueva is an idiot and the LA Sheriffs Department is full of suspect individuals. All that was known before Tiger, before Kobe, and even before Villanueva. Look up the Banditos, Lynwood Vikings, Jumpout Boys, Regulators, Grim Reapers, x000 Boys, all the wreckage at their jails. They’re terrible but the

Yup, happens way more than it ought too.

Oh, the humanity.

Great article. Your ref to Georgia O’Keefe is spot-on. Have to look for a price sheet now!

George Stanford Brown! Deserves a mention.

Wow. Kotick is going full asshole.

Harbor Freight to the rescue!

My favorite way of warming up that I’ve seen is when they put a pile of sticks underneath the engine and light it on fire and let it heat up everything. It’s entirely Russian.

Came here for this. Satisfied.

Vietnamese baguette aka banh mi bread. Derived from the French baguette but superior. Properly done, it’s distinctly different from just any old baguette-style bread that some use for banh mi. 

Doesn’t even need a breeze. All you need to do is lift that alternator and then trip against an upright. 

Well, when those apartment people said, part of a “community that is rich in history and tradition.”, they just didn’t specify which community and what rich history and tradition they’d partaking in. It’s not as if the old fart neighbor who wants the non-white looking kids off their lawn is something new. Karenness

Yup, that looks super sketchy for engine lifting. Might be ok just for a manifold or head but an entire engine. Nope. Needs some triangulation and leg-to-leg cross bracing and maybe even some external 45 bracing at the least. I’d be more worried about those nylon straps though. You never really know the quality of the

No, I read that. You said maybe so....

No matter, since the TV is black and white only, I think playing the analog color signal to it via RG cable will make it interpolate all of it as black and white. OTOH, it’s been a heckuva long time since I messed with a B/W CRT and analog media units so I could be entirely wrong. Plus, finding all that media on VHS

Well, so start with Nick and Nora, match em drink for drink and pretty soon everything will be black and white anyways!

LOL, I think you should make the cutoff 1975. Jaws just got released which fits in with the ambiance. No Star Wars yet so laser swords and the force aren’t even on the scene. The only drawback : No Indiana Jones. But that’s ok. Still have ‘The Sting’, ‘The Godfather’, ‘Blazing Saddles’, ‘Butch Cassidy’, and even

Yeah, I’ve seen some videos here and there about Cape Disappointment and the CGs training. The rollover stuff was from way way back before there was even the www so that was awhile ago...

I know that that bar is quite hazardous. What’s the smallest vessel required to have a bar pilot?