Geez, remember what happened to Deadspin? People smoking herb sometimes....
Geez, remember what happened to Deadspin? People smoking herb sometimes....
All that grinding for Starship testing costs beaucoup dollars. And with Teslas quality control issues, somethings got to give. Musk has to pay for a lot of stuff and the easiest way for him to not have to with bad PR is to have no PR. And magically, money becomes available for him to use where he deems necessary.…
Is there a 2 door version called a 2 Krown?
No, and they can useful. But let’s face it, Conley is not the White House physician because he’s the best physician in Washington DC. He’s there to say, yes, and do whatever his boss tells him to do.
Nice! In my area, we have LA96L which has been reclaimed for the CalANG. Mostly, they seem to store comms gear and transport there. Up on the Santa Monica range, we have LA96C, a radar site which was the control point for the LA96L missile launch facility. Now it’s repurposed as part of the Santa Monica Recreation…
My elementary school had a 500T : every Friday AM end of the month, we got to do the duck and cover under our tiny little desks while the teacher would go around and remind us to put our butts further under the desk. All the while, the siren was groaning and moaning away. We thought it hilarious yet annoying at the…
Hey, Torch, you remember a game called Postal? It came out shortly after a number of postal violence incidents occurred. Probably very similar. Can’t remember what year that was, but someone on a frags server gave me a copy way back when after he mentioned it and I told him I never saw it. I played for a hot sec and…
Best of luck. I had a few classes with a guy who was super into radio (as in had his own room filled to the ceiling with gear literally wall to wall, all four walls, and a giant antenna that dominated his house). We (brother and I) were learning morse and ham radio; we were 10-11 years old at the time so it was a…
Well, not a total disaster. You got your papers in the end after all. Good work and kudos to your various support team members in Germany! Very interesting to see how the TUV works. If a Japanese contributor could show us how the Japanese version works, that’d be interesting too.
Yeeaaah. Kinda depends on what version of “law” and “order” is being applied. Some places and times, versions of “law” and “order” are bad for most people nowadays. Even reg’lar dudes.
But even in Germany, autobahn drivers exceed the spirit of laws and orders occasionally : Autobahn notes
I’d suggest something like these because the quick connect plug in the middle helps keep the user away from the battery. While attaching neg/pos polarity handles to battery terminals still must be done correctly to get the quick charge going, at least using these keeps the spark that often occurs when connecting 2…
I’d suggest something like these because the quick connect plug in the middle helps keep the user away from the…
Nice. If only U-Haul made one that worked with a Formula Ford.
Yeah, my roommate in college had 1 (2+2 in white, could’ve been a Mirage but can’t recall for sure, nah, it had stripes and a spoiler but not the body kit) while I had a Vega as a DD when my Cuda was too expensive to run (big block gas woes). Basically very similar but his V8 (305 iirc) was a pain to work on compared…
Yeah, even dog loses his bones.
Ummmm, well, maybe you’re partially right. Perhaps a different kind of attention. But the clothes make the man, no?
Hence the sight lines on the current day Camaro....
Ahh, nothing like the Hot Wheels Center of Auto Design.
Many people may claim it’s business as usual or what’s new. But safety in general is far better than it was in earlier decades. The question is really how well prepared tracks AND marshals are for accidents for the more unusual problems that we have nowadays. OTOH, the photo by Isakovic above shows a (Monaco?) track…