
It’s human nature. What else is new?

It’s California. People think everyone wants to come here and the real estate industry jacks up the prices so they get better comps and better percentages. I’ve been here long enough that I have NEVER seen real estate pricing go down; sure there may be dips and troughs but you’ll never see LA real estate below $100k

Yup, but seeing as how in bed the chiefs and track owners and southern fans are, it’s a good bet none of that will happen.

Yeah. The police pullback is definitely an effective crime encourager. Also, the fact that Trump and his cronies as de-facto white collar criminals with tremendous legal cover all the way up to the DOJ is a sub-conscious encouragement to everyone with even a slight bent toward anti-social behavior. The implication is,

Well, I guess that’s IMSA as usual. Why or how is the current reg considered superior to say that of 1992 or 2002 ALMS?

I’ll be very honest. While I love stick and ball sports, lacking a dedicated (even if informal/nascent) autosports section keeps me away. There’s plenty of other shops to get stick and ball stuff from, scorewise. And frankly, again, I’d be way more interested to see an internal effort to get an autosection rolling

Interesting. This implies that teams are using their own fuel rigs. If so, what happens when the sanctioning body supplies their own standardized generic fuel rig (and fuel volume) for teams? Does this mean that the efficiency curve shifts back toward the teams and their engine/transmission/gearing/tire selections

Hmm, why do you need to have them come over immediately? Can’t you fire up a demi-section for autosports with your existing crew and populate it with some articles? Surely, there are autosports enthusiasts among the existing writers? Leverage that just a little to get things going. And then when people see the

Never. The more Real Housewhatevers of whereever there are, the better. Bread and circuses, bread and circuses.

Actually, that’d be pretty stupid. It’d be like hiring F1 team engineers to work your DD; they might understand how an engine works but their version of an engine is not the exact same as what’s sitting under your DDs hood. In a hospitals case, they basically have all that expensive manpower and hardware sitting

Yes, we’ve clearly gone over to the 4th World side of pariah nations. But hey, we’re No. 1! MAGA achieved (at something anyways). 

Yup, plus it’s a good bet that a lot of the base are of similar mind. A lot of them are secretly “use and abuse” types.

Very sad about this. So many brilliant wins and great drivers. Dorilton Capital remais a big question though. If it’s true that they’re based out of HK, that makes the money funny in todays business climate. 

Glory days indeed. And now we’re reduced to fighting over brake ducts...

LOL, if you’re 17 years old and you want to use the car that is owned and paid for by your parents, you have to be smart enough to know how to ask for the privilege. That is political; sure it’s not Democrat vs. Republican but if it’s between you and your sister who gets amazing grades and yours are so-so, it’s

I wonder if sidelines like Planelopnik or FA are dead to these staff writers? There’s all sorts of interesting historical stuff in there that get rarely talked about. 

I’d agree with you except since day 1 after I learned to drive, I found out that having a car and access to roads is a political process. It’s not necessarily political first which perhaps is what you mean. But practically speaking getting a license is somewhat of a political process. Paying those fees, passing tests,

Yes. Kraftwerk und Tangerine Dream. Also :
New Dance Show
Autobahn was my favorite drive track from LA up to school in Santa Barbara. On the way back at night, I’d listen to Phaedra (T. Dream). Also, the different versions of Tour de France as well along with Love on a Real Train. Back then the highway was the only

Not too mention how the language transition went. US to German to Polish? So I’m guessing English most of the time with some Deutsch thrown in and not too much Polish. It must’ve been interesting but ‘pleasant enough’? Interesting...

IIRC, there were more than a couple lynchings in the UK during WW2. In fact, the airborne divisions, much to their discredit unfortunately, refused to serve in combat alongside the 555 Parachute Infantry Battalion (the Triple Nickels which were all black men). Why? Because a great percentage of those divisions were