
Wonder how the windows work in the convertible? I guess it’s a value added feature then?

I would like to say 1977-1997 LA but that’s just me.

Torch, that was fun. I am envious of your console collection though. My little collection is strictly beginner by comparison. BTW, what oscilloscope is that? Analog or digital? Just curious.


Minimize as much as possible. IMHO, its not really the ideal time to travel yet. There will be, just not now.

Ok, wear a quality good-fitting N95 mask on the plane and bring a few extra spares with you (for the return as well and other circumstances). Also, carry a pack of nitrile gloves as well. Be prepared to be very uncomfortable for a few hours in flight. Make sure you’re on an airline that has every other seating. Do not

No toilet, no shower, no fun. 

I really like the last bit where they do brief recipes; it’s always fun to check that bit out.

So I wonder if there really will be a Midnight Diner movie? I love the series since the 1st season released on Netflix. Didn’t think Netflix would push S2 but lo and behold, they did. 3 days to blow through that. Damn. S3 maybe? Sure hope so, it’s a great series with some great backstory on the characters. Usually


Maybe. I used to work for Crown Books, remember them? They were the book precursor to Amazon. Crown did to small bookstores what Amazon did to big book stores. Volume does wonders for quantity ordering prices. 

Gort? Zat u? Don’t bother saying it, the humans kinda deserve it!

Here’s something for David Tracy to buff out...

Seems like the major problem to me. If one thinks Amazon is the answer to all your retail, big box retail suffers badly. Frys as part of that really got clobbered because they had the financial scandal and couldn’t really manage their way out of that to a good future solution since they had no money. PC Club guys used

Pretty dead as far as I’m concerned. I find it disheartening for a number of reasons though. 

Which? I always like the Sabrejets and the robot. I don’t see the Jeep but that was always popular for people coming in the door for the 1st time. Grabbing a snack at the cafe was always relaxing. 

I think I went the Santa Jose(?) one a long long time ago when I was visiting a friend in San Jose. Nothing reminds me of that place, might’ve been the one near Costco.


Yeah! You know I never went there because every time we were in Disneyworld, there were too many of us. So we’d always end up in certain places where we could fit 10 or so of us and the SciFi never fit us easily. Guess that’s why it didn’t come to mind first. 

LOL, yeah, the vision of motherboards in the open.....definitely gets nerds going.