
Unfortunately, we don’t get to just measure by volume in these scenarios and one major reason why we don’t shutdown the country for the flu is that we actually have flu vaccines which the health system encourages everyone to use. The result is it’s not necessary to shutdown the country because some of us have prepared.

Yeah, had to tell my son he couldn’t go hang with his buddies to watch Resistance, and he totally got resentful. Teenagers sometimes live in a bubble....

Yes, but do you fly?

There is a slight danger from this; when co-workers expect a reply and they see you are online and active. Some shops nowadays do enough snooping that they can see no real work is being done on a document or dataset. A while back, someone at a particular big shop got busted doing this on the cheap with a cellphone and

IIRC, it wasn’t just Toyotas but people they’d smash up. And got away with it too. Nothing like the UAW to make things right....

You guys are seriously ill. Just throw everything into the dishwasher....BTW, where’s the roadkill?


Unfortunately, theDrive has a lot of spillover from the Warzone. It’s more representative of the bro’ mentality in any case. As far as the diesel dopes go though, most of theDrive comments really do showcase the saddest, weakest thinking sector of the automotive enthusiasts.

It’s Discovery Channel and they wanted a piece of the bro’ action. These guys just filled in that slot for them nicely. Reality TV is incredibly cheap to produce and if you have willing participants who will drop their drawers at a handclap, well, these clowns are IT. It’s just that they didn’t bother to follow

Really? Worse than L.A.? Or the San Joaquin Valley? That’s saying something...sorry to hear that. When I speak of Utah, I usually think of Brighton or Alta or being in Capitol Reef or Glen Canyon; I guess that’s not the same as Salt Lake though. Hope it gets better; do you have have the standard car exhaust standards

It’s understandable why one goes about doing what you do; in fact, many gas powered car owners do stuff like that as well. The problem is that sooner or later, the general public will notice. And while diesel truckers may hate Priuses for whatever reason, the other person in the car next or after the Prius has to

The bigger problem than 45 Spurmaster is that the entire conservative establishment got much of what they wanted and have many agents in place which continue the conservative agenda. And that agenda and its supporters take advantage of the conservative mobs’ groupthink and push the stupidity that results in this kind

That Diablo musta passed something on to that Porsche for the burnt up engine....and no comment on that motorcycle behind the hidden MB?

Yes. OTOH, I’d also say that having bigger wheels and tires for typical road cars makes a qualitative change in driving. In Los Angeles, we have heavily worn roads with a fair amount of potholes and speed bumps. Even on standard rim/tire combinations, driving can be unpleasant in ride and vibration. Many people who

Me2. Next thought was can they break 9? Maybe.....but probably not. 

Now if they could bring back the Astro van with this motor, that’d be a nice combo....

Hey, what dajibans Dodge has given up, the Chebyvans can take up. It’s a fun addition to the options list, what GM needs to do is include a sport trim package for lowering it, stiffening it, and making it look not like a DHL delivery truck. Market it to sporting women who want to come into the soccer lot doing

Yeah, I was right on the middle of that when people were starting to understand that hubs sucked and switches were the way to go. Quake.....

I knew a guy who changed his first name to Dork for some godforsaken reason as a kid. After high school, he changed it right away back to Derek. I guess the novelty of it stopped being interesting.....

Ya know, Hudson sixes had that setup with the distributor down the center of the block. Maybe it’s a Hudson 6 custom manifold? I don’t know what the Hudson port layout is though; my dad had 1 of those back in the day but I wasn’t even born yet.....