Those’re great but I still feel like the Tiger is going to breakdown and get abandoned after getting railheaded to where ever it’s at....
Those’re great but I still feel like the Tiger is going to breakdown and get abandoned after getting railheaded to where ever it’s at....
Still prefer Jacks Spicy....
You know, I had to think this one through for awhile. My only conclusion is that these judges apparently have never touched a tire in their entire life and that the legal profession has gone meta and lost its’ collective sanity by becoming a navel-gazing entity. It’s just silly.
I think this is a generational thing; let’s face it, when has Coppola, Scorsese, or Meirelles done a movie with serious CGI. Scorsese did a bunch with ‘Hugo’ but that movie while a critical success was not a commercial success at all. He never followed up on it with an advanced movie that used a lot of CGI in…
Pon-E? Fill-E? Dirt-E? NightMare?
Jealousy now that movies like ‘Good Fellas’ can’t be tentpoles any more.
To be honest, the absolute physical accuracy is not necessarily required. But a movie well-shot and well-cut can make the accuracy look good. A poorly shot one, otoh, can make a physically accurate scene look terrible. The less CGI the better, but that also requires a director, cinematographer and editor who knows …
This is an unfortunate view. Certainly for a very few people who are disaster junkies, it’s one kind of attraction. But for the majority, it’s a circus, a spectacle, something that shows a slice of everyday life but jacked up to a distorted state where everyone knows they can’t do that for whatever reason. But a race…
Subtle irony and sarcasm are lost on the interwebs without a trigger mechanism.
I know someone who has a ‘90s era BMW who pulled a windscreen because it was leaking only to find that seals for said windscreen are worse than unobtainium. So now his car is rotting away with a perfectly fine windscreen, car and no seals.
Goes hand in hand with all that pod housing in Union or the’s a way for lower pay-scale people to hand over their money to corporatized outfits so they can buy more real estate to house more pod-people and have a great return. A return which lower pay-scale people are losing out on in the long run.
You are speaking with common sense. It’s not how the legal world behaves.
Meh, middle school boys are extraordinarily stupid. As in idiotically stupid, as in don’t shower after a couple of workouts and don’t change their gear and don’t wipe their butt stupid but thinks it’s fine stupid. This happened to me through an open school bus window; the guy just did it because he could. It was like…
Ya know, it’s going to sound a little dopey but that looks so familiar. It’s probably just one of many similar parts of urban Japan but it looks like a scene out of Shall We Dance (the original)......
Ten Cent owns 5% at least. Blizzard will always succumb to the lure of Chinese money.
Correct; and every US company who has lusted over profits and market-share in China is always going to be vulnerable to CP temptation to abuse them. And this lust will always blind them to the realities of CP rule.
Alas, this is convenient thinking that many are fooled by. Lazy thinking like this merely encourages the owners of the present-day prc; overlooking the corruption and abusive practices of the present-day prc and “communism” overlooks the corruption and abusive practices of past-day prc and “communism”.
Wait, isn’t this New York style virtue-signalling? Or is it just meta-theme writ large? I’m so confused....
It’s hard to find. I used to get it at Rocket Fizz (Goldmine brand) but nowadays I just go to 99 Ranch and get an Asian version (Hey Song brand) which my kids like a lot as it’s not too strong.
It is strange considering it’s a Coke product.Probably depends on the manager ordering it. It’s like my local S&F for the longest time didn’t stock any Lays Salt & Vinegar chips. They’d have all the others including the test flavors. But only until recently did they stock it; of course it’s always low in stock.…