Merlin the Tuna

Camel Up moves about as well as any game can with 8 players, but it still slows down a bit. The biggest factor is, since 7 people get to act between any of your actions, you need to be really sure you don't get squeezed out of the most valuable bets.

After a few weeks with the most recent Massive Chalice patch, I've dusted off my second run of The Banner Saga. I really liked the game already, but having an existing understanding of what's going on is making it a lot easier to absorb some of the extra details of the world. Which is great, because dang is the world

Saints Save Christmas was a lot of fun - definitely recommend that over the Dominatrix.

This has nothing to do with the conversation at hand, but I finally watched Frank last night, and every time the protagonist tweeted something, I mentally noted "Downvoted for use of a hash tag."

At the risk of re-starting the age-old Marvel vs. DC argument, it's weird to me that you dismiss 616 as bullshit and handwaving in the same context as you talk about reading the New 52, the platonic ideal of bullshit handwaving.

Most breweries don't disclose their filtering practices, which I imagine is probably annoying. (Some of the big ones - MillerCoors and AB-Inbev - do, and are vegan-friendly). But no, generally clarifying is vegan-friendly, when it occurs at all. Isinglass and gelatin are sometimes used, but the increasingly-popular

Yep, that's fair, and none of my vegan friends drink beers that use it, either. My point is just that, as restrictions go, it's not very restrictive. You could grab any random beer off the shelf at your local grocery or liquor store, and 90+% of the time it'll be vegan-friendly. Unless the manager really likes honey

I can't speak to wines, but ciders and beers are almost all vegan-friendly. The most infamous animal product used is isinglass, made from fish bladders. Even then, it's not in the beverage itself, it's used as a clarifying agent to remove sediment (yeast & grain, generally) from the drink. Regardless, it gets taken

Fatal Frame is a little second-person ish, I think? I definitely remember seeing clips from one of them in which you have a split screen and one half is the enemy's point of view.

This may help.

So, a quick diatribe on punting and NFL coaches being terrible.

That's fair, and one questionable move doesn't justify blanket condemnation. I've just found him to be a jerk overall, which makes it easier to chuckle at petty little dickery like this.

David Sirlin: Sometimes clever, always an asshole.

Junta, maybe? Hate group? Rogue faction? You're right, this is hard.

Yes and no. Despite elevating you to Top Cop In The Galaxy, they don't seem to want to take your word on anything. Which is annoying, but the whole thing is sort of like "My boss is a dick sometimes, so I decided to join a gang instead."

Yeah, I can't do all-one either. Renegade spends way too much time being racist, and Paragon spends too much time being a doormat. I tend to lean Paragon as well, but sometimes you just need to clock somebody.

Quibble: Cerberus is not an organization of "borderline terrorists" at any point in the series. They're straight up terrorists, and stupid ones too. The first game presents them only in the context of experiments like "let's inject acid into people's veins to see if that kills them" and "let's feed people to thresher

I was shocked to learn that there was a Tales from the Crypt game show (Secrets of the Cryptkeeper's Haunted House) at one point. It was even weirder because this happened in the context of a friend telling me about his experience being on it.

Historically, it's been a wing of the publishers' PR teams, existing to hype up 20 second trailers and give high review marks to anything that had a few million dollars spent on the cutscenes. And at its worst, it's literal bribery, with publishers paying for good reviews, showing off their games in the form of lavish

Swiping from the wiki here: