Merlin the Tuna


Maybe this is the moment that Watt really solidifies his MVP candidacy by playing quarterback. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?

Hold on, I'm having a Jeff-Goldblum-in-Independence-Day moment here.

I don't think I ever saw the infamous glowing puck (was that during the Blackhawks blackout era? Stupid cheapskate owner) but I'm sort of sympathetic to the idea as an experiment, even if it was by all accounts a trainwreck. Anytime I see pre-HD clips on Youtube, there's a significant "what the hell is going on"

Well yeah, they're not going to make the playoffs, but the point of a gamble is to hope to find a winning lotto ticket for next year. By all accounts, Clausen is a career backup at best. This is the ideal time to spend a couple games rolling the dice and hoping for the next Kurt Warner - someone that's been overlooked

Eh, his numbers are inflated this year due to a lot of garbage time success, but I'm more of a "Cutler is good, not great" guy myself. Certainly better than the slag pile of QBs we've had since… basically ever, really. Was Erik Kramer good? I don't even remember.

I actually tried to convince Alex—er, “A.A.”

I think I notice good music in games more than I did as a kid, but I remember it way less. I'm struggling to recall big musical beats from this year even though I know there were a bunch I liked. Only one that comes to mind is The Prettiest Weed from Superbrothers, which came out a couple years ago.

I'm really looking forward to the next O'Neal newswire about it. Does that count?

The Mini-Marvels strips about Civil War made sure to always have him facing the wrong way. Funny every time.

They went to go live on a farm.

Yep, that was maybe the only thing that bugged me about Snowpiercer. I get that the bear is there to show that the world is becoming livable again. But it doesn't live unless it had seals to eat, which don't live unless there were fish to eat, which don't live unless ARRRGH. Ecosystems, people.

Jeez, spittin' fire.

There's a lot in here I like/am interested in, but Most Overrated for me definitely goes to Under the Skin. The concept is great and Johansson does exactly what the part asks of her, but it's massively underwritten. The first 40 minutes or so? Wonderfully creepy. But another hour of ScarJo staring blankly while not

I love that Ignatiy actually uses the line "A.A. Dowd has told me I can't pull the same stunt." Does everyone on staff actually refer to him solely by his full name? "Hey, I'm gonna grab some lunch with Sean and John. Do you want to come with, A. A. Dowd?"

I'm doubly surprised because my impression has been that the general audience is starting to sour on it as folks realize they've been chewing through filler sidequests for tens of hours. Gameological has some rabid fans of the series (Hi Fluka! Hi Pagan!) but it may have partially benefited from the timing of the

Honestly, having 3 indies on there felt like a victory to me. There are probably more that merit mention, but it's always a hard sell to get them on polls like this.

I would be so much more into Harry Potter if it were a sly indictment of the American prison system.

It's also worth recognizing that, in the event of actual danger, it wouldn't be theater chain CEOs working the buildings, it'd be minimum-wage sad sacks. If you want to talk about sending messages, there's a valuable one here about valuing the safety of unskilled workers even if it might hurt your bottom line a bit.

God bless face generation tools with a thousand options, all of which serve only to make your character look like a hideous troll person.