Merlin the Tuna

I'm not saying you either need to be a rules lawyer or go totally freeform. I'm saying that the D&D-style rules you're claiming I need don't provide me much value. You're also putting forth the premise that there are only two options here - deterministically model things like climb speed, or totally wing it. I'd

My experience has been completely the opposite. Every time I ran 3.5E I felt like my pants were around the my ankles, and my impression playing for new DMs was largely the same. Raw experience made me more comfortable in 4E, but it's really been the rules-light systems that have made me comfortable and competent, in

You're correct, a good DM does. Which in this case means "a good DM does explicitly ignore or fight against the gigantic tome of rules he purchased and spent time reading, none of which helped him become a good DM." It's just not a good setup.

It's efficient, but it's something I liked more on the initial read than on further examination.


To be fair, they were probably drunk at the time.

The quiz is… odd.

No, I'm pretty sure he writes comic books.

According to myth, the Tuatha Dé agreed to split Ireland into halves, but were tricked by the Milesians, who took the half above ground, leaving the previous rulers the half below.

You're a better man than I. I did a little bit of that, but quickly got distracted by the ability to pick up soda cans and pelt the NPCs with them during cutscenes.

Yeah, I'm actually not a huge fan of Gordon. If he were just a silent protagonist it'd be alright, but they're doing a silent protagonist in a fairly story-heavy game where NPCs tend to get weak in the knees whenever you're around. It's just a weird design decision to have everyone tripping over themselves to talk

I remember getting all kinds of confused, but not even caring that much since I liked using the Zora mask so much. Seriously, how often do you play a game and get to say "Swimming works well and is a lot of fun?"

I'm all in favor of having some Fire Emblem characters in there, but it bugs me that they keep using nothing but sword wielders when you've already got two Links (and later Metaknight & Pit) running around. Use Hector from FE7! Ephraim from FE8! Just mix it up a little bit, yeesh!

He's coming for you… with the Colonel's 11 secret herbs and spices!

But it's (FFT) a Playstation game! The disk ISO is only like 150MB! (I think.)

They're creepy to look at, but it might help to remind yourself that the beak is stuffed with flowers and random herbs. He just wants to smell pretty!

Those vertiginous shifts between joy and despair really mark the tone of the series in a lot of ways: these are people living after the end times, but they still have to find a way to be happy when they can, because otherwise, what's the point?

The suicide scene is a perfect distillation of Morrison letting the story speak for itself and JMS hoping to get paid by the word. It's really fascinating that JMS would take such a beloved, memorable scene and try to do such a one-for-one take on it. (It's less surprising that he botched the hell out of it.)

Whoa whoa whoa, are we talking about terrible JMS comics without mentioning Superman: Grounded? Somebody get Thoreau on the case.