The real shout out should go to the 2010 live action version they did
It's a fake account. Look at their page on Facebook and its pretty obvious
I actually have this on dvd, needless to say ive probably watched it a good number of times. It goes over how they built the car, pretesting season, and then some races. I'm pretty sure it's available on iTunes last time I checked
The salesmen are stupid as hell and this proves my point. I went to a toyota/scion dealership trying to test drive one, salesman says no and that I need to put a down payment on one in order to drive it. My dad asks the guy 30 seconds later and says yes to him. My dad then tells him I'm the one test driving it and the…
Be there on the 20th!!
Well that sucks. Fuck it, If ya want i guess the easiest way to do this is to add me on Facebook if you have one. it'll be a lot easier to send you info that way too...
Is there a way to send messages to other people on here? if so i am completely clueless on how to do it!!
Yea the only real open track days up at BIR are proving grounds and Power Cruise. Other than that its pretty much driving schools and local clubs renting out the track. What school do you go to? I go the the University of Minnesota and it amazes me that out of the 50,000 kids that go there, it is literally impossible…
Same problem I'm having up here in MN. One of the tracks around the twin cities got shut down and ripped up, and another is not allowing drifting anymore this coming season. The nearest place is 3 hours away at Brainerd International Raceway and they only put on 3 drifting events all year. All of the other drifting…
I feel like the jump at Cadwell Park should have made the list: