
Yeah, bloody hell. Glad someone else notices. Has absolutely zero to do with the game. I read the article twice in search of a link between the 2 events, because I couldn’t imagine there was one. Clickbait nonsense. In fact, Amazon has never done better, since the pandemic started.

That’s some Olympic level mental gymnastics you just did to somehow tie this to videogames lol.

I’m not reading an anti-Ghibli bias from Shadaab’s comment rather a call for the work to be judged fairly as one would with any other studio. 

I recall all the choices being obvious/heavily implied by the in game characters about who’s likely to survive in what roles.

I think the thing to keep in mind is that it’s very easy to make one mistake, especially since the game tries to trick you at points by having characters volunteer for jobs they’re not good at, or downplay the risks.

I started out really disliking Jack. I saw her as edgy-just-to-be-edgy, a character design that didn’t fit with the rest of the established universe, and a flat-one note character. I was wrong. I really liked her character arc.

I agree, I pretty much followed all the directions about upgrading Your ship and having favorable loyalty missions. Everybody survived on my first play through. Maybe it’s because I took my time with the game and didn’t breeze through it; I remember spending a lot of time in between missions mining planets in the

Even Shepard can die in ME2

You can get the best endings in ME3 without touching the MP; you just have to do everything.

Tying it to multi was why I hated the red, blue, green endings. Fuck making me do multi just to do that to me. Also there was an ipad/iphone game you could play in single player too that could count if you connected if I remember right. I remmeber playing that a couple times through to get the points lol 

That’s why they introduce Vega, and reintroduce whomever you saved on Virmire; that way you can at least have a full squad for missions (and Javik if you get the DLC). 

If you do things right (by which I mean wrong) you can kill everyone and only Shephard can survive. Which would be crazy for ME3. 

I had a friend who was doing a full playthrough of ME1-3 for the first time and he rushed to the ending of the ME2. He had acquired zero ship upgrades and only had Jacob’s loyalty. He came out the other side with only Jacob and Samara. He persevered with that save file for his ME3 playthrough which was equally

I don’t understand when people do this, but I was super into this game and paid attention. I didn’t even know anybody could die til a couple weeks later, I was discussing this with friends. They all lost one character, different ones.

It’s faded with time, but I remember thinking every choice was obvious.

Did I mis-read this article? It sounded like the dude was reflecting on his life before he became successful. Maybe I am in the wrong, but I think its great that people who work hard and make it big, dont forget about where they come from and the struggles they went through. I would imagine thats how we change things

I’m saying this as someone who watched the stream and had to switch it off when this guy started to get going. Like, it’s nice to have his support, and I had no idea who he was, but he came off as a nutter. It was super uncomfortable and I felt a little bad for AOC.

I googled him and he seems cool. But maybe just not

He wasn’t necessarily wrong about most of it, but he was extremely Reddit’s founder, who is worth approximately $70 million, the entire time.

From a brief glance at Alexis Ohanian’s bio, Reddit was created about 16 years ago, so I can assume he was just typical working class before that. I get the angle you’re coming from, trying to point out the irony in his populist message by pointing out his wealth - but it doesn’t sound like he’s coming from a

Good grief, talk about resentment much.