
it makes me makes me laugh... slow at first... but it builds into absolute hysterics

Ive done something similar to that for years. Im often tasked in the middle of a busy project to give a presentation on the status. Ive become a master at adjusting the ranges on graphs. If a problem exists, but I know that if the client/manager knows about it, they will create more issues, when all we need is some

Maybe if you mean pickup truck diesels, but Tractor trailer fleets are switching to Natural gas. It’s cheaper and cleaner. While pickup trucks have not yet started to switch over, once they do... diesel is as good as gone.

Regardless Diesel is going to go away, not just in the US, but Europe and eventually the world. It’s chief selling point was a little better mileage than gasoline, and low end torque. However it is inherently dirty especially compared to alternatives. The Trucking industry is moving toward natural gas since it is

Never been inspected before going on track in Germany. That said, unlike the US, Germany has very strict inspection on all licensed vehicles. When Michelin stopped producing the model of tire my Yamaha came with originally, I could not switch to the new equivalent tire from Michelin, as that was not on the list of

To bad it was in a year when the racing has been, surprisingly good, But, the Monaco grad prix, was so very boring. Thank god for Button, at least attempting a pass on track... to bad for Wehrlein it was not successful.

The good news... for Canada, Honda will have upgrades that will add 10 more HP... no news on reliability, but McLaren has some improved aero packages coming to them in Canada as well... but again, no news on reliability. I suspect there is an APB out for the entire reliability dept at Honda, last word was they are in

Last time I looked into it, yes that was the case. However, even that had a big asterisk about the fact that you have to be a government agency to get one, and information is tightly controlled. So who knows what is currently available.

Yes, and there is an App for that ;)

And the ecomentalists brag about how ratcheting up the emission regulations improves innovation... yup... they are being innovative.

He drove for Marrussia in F1. As much as I love F1, being in the right car at the right time makes all the difference. IndyCars are more about the Driver, so you have a better chance to stand out. And Oval racing, driver skill is important, but being smart about where you want to be at what point in the race is far

Yes it is sad that people feel the need to post such stupid comments, but lets not kid ourselves about racism in Japan. Japan is far more racist than the US. I can’t count the number of times I’ve walked into a business in Japan and been told, “ NOOO Gaijin.” Or the alternative, sorry, we are closed, when obviously it

Automatic transmission, in a Chevy Cruze. Actually it’s so Crappy it pretty much put a nail in the coffin for me and GM. Thankfully it was a rental car.

Italy tends to take fatalities extremely seriously. Look at the court cases over Ayrton Senna’s death. And you have to say that Ayrton understood the risks, and took them on knowingly. And I am not talking civil law suites for money, it was criminal case brought by the government. I am sure there will be at least an

I got a graphing calculator in the late 80's when they first came out. Was not allowed to use it on most my algebra or trig tests. during class it was fine, but not on tests... but my German teacher was fine with me using it during tests. She never even questioned it.

Very much so... but in the middle of Washington State, there are a couple of counties that are notorious speed traps.

Have you ever seen the crap that passes NY inspection.

That started back in the late 80's or early 90's I think. A Priest wrote a sermon, advising people to be good Christians in all of their life. The gist of it was that to many people are good Christians when people are looking, but get behind the wheel of a car and they are rude and mean. He suggested that if they

Probably different in different states. Last time I took a traffic safety class the cop teaching it said it was technically illegal, but it is not something they will stop you for, you have to be involved in a crash for them to cite you. The explanation was that ideally they want it only to be used for turning into

I’ve done 170 on my own bike, I’d the to do it on the back of a bike. Unless you can get down behind the windscreen, the air practically rips your head off. Your boss is a cruel man.