
It’s clever I will grant you that... but it is certainly not enough to even remotely be a deciding factor. Plus, I doubt in real life it will be as practical. I know that storage bin would likely house my cell phone and maybe some cords, and loose change, maybe sunglasses and other things. So on that very rare

Well... as presented here NP... However, I'm always leery of Frankenstein's like this. It sounds a great combination, but without knowing the abilities of the person who did the work, I'd look it over with a strong dose of skepticism before laying out the cash. Also on a test drive it would have to prove to be as fun

As someone with a Deutscher Führerschein (German Drivers License) I can tell you that is utter BS. The speed limit on the Autobahn is a recommended 130kmh unless otherwise posted. The speed limit on any road outside the city, but NOT the autobahn is 100kmh unless otherwise posted. If you see an unrestricted sign on

As someone with a Deutscher Führerschein (German Drivers License) I can tell you that is utter BS. The speed limit on the Autobahn is a recommended 130kmh unless otherwise posted. The speed limit on any road outside the city, but NOT the autobahn is 100kmh unless otherwise posted. If you see an unrestricted sign on

Well you should have no problem living in ANY totalitarian state. The rest of us will fight to keep our freedom.

opps hit cancel and it posts my error

Never got anything more than a first degree burn when we had roman candle wars and bottle rocket wars. A friend did have his jacket catch on fire though... we did what any good friend does. ROFL

This would not have helped me in about half the jobs I have had. My first job I probably got by sheer chance. The manager I interviewed with got fired after I interviewed with him. I stopped in to see what the status of the job was, and the new manager hired me on the spot as she only knew someone had been selected

Wait a second... no team orders... BUT

Glad your doing better. Reading your article brought some thoughts to my mind on an incident that happened to me. I’m epileptic, and in 2001 I had a seizure in the cafeteria at work. I ended up hitting my head on the table cutting a large gash over my right eye. (I knock named it my Harry Potter Scar) After getting

Play video games, ski and ride my motorcycle, when I'm not eating, drinking and oversleeping... thus the reason such "utopias" are purely fictional, and attempts to make them reality always end up as dictatorships.

not sure of the exact reason, but I would suspect it is similar to alcohol consumption. With thinner air at altitude drugs can have a stronger effect. thus if you sedated them on the ground, it could be an excessive amount once at altitude.

I recall an Indy 500 race in which the front came off and then the driver hit the wall and was killed. Or at least that is how I remember it, I was young at the time. Looking at these pictures I am wondering if this is the race I am thinking of and just figured he could not have survived.

I was at that race, and I worried I would be at another race with a fatality. I can recall that it was a very somber mood at the hotel in Dresden that night waiting to here Zanardi's status.

As far as I know only Indy cars use Methane. Other racing series do not so the fuel does not burn colorless in other racing series. The reason is that they once had a terrible fire and did not have enough fire extinguishers. Methane can be extinguished with water which is more readily available. While methane may burn

I think your miss reading the chart. All it says is that the odds in those to states for a warmer or cooler than normal summer are equal. It than shows the odds that the rest of the US (excluding Hawaii) has better odds to be warmer than normal than colder than normal. It does not indicate how much warmer than normal,

Similar thought that I had, but I’d say, cost of dinner for two is too vague and does not translate equally.

Reminds me of one of my first trips to Japan. We went to the airport in Nagoya, the new one out on the island. We were picking up a fellow American colleague that was to replace me, and all but one of the Japanese colleagues was leaving. Unfortunately the guy that stayed with us was not familiar with the area. After

Except that’s an argument to repeal helmet laws. Fatalities are far less costly to society than injuries.

Personally, like a lot of people here, I put very little in to Fuel economy. the only time I did that was buying my last DD because at the time gas prices where busting my budget, and I really wanted something more efficient. For that purpose the numbers do what they say, they give you a guideline.