
I would, and so would the hand full of people that imported Alpines to the US. Plus I know a number of people that like Renaults. Sure it might have some up hill marketing. But since Last I knew Renault owner Alpine, and Renault is one of the larger car companies in the World, they own Nissan. I could see it

I would be surprised if he is not already prohibited. Most people with anger issues like this have already had enough encounters with the police to have done something to lose their second amendment rights. If he has managed somehow to avoid doing something stupid enough to have cost him his rights, this most

The airbags are what upset me. Because the safety folks want to save the lives of those that do not wear a seat belt, and forced NHTSA to require that airbags protect even those that are not buckled. That means anyone short, or people that stupidly sit close to the steering wheel often get killed by the airbag. Now I

Actually you can track down the legit ones... it does occasionally happen. Just like someone does occasionally win the Lottery, which probably has better odds.

I'm sure it's already been said, but... since when did Bernie Eccelstone become a teacher in Utah?

Obviously the torch has not been to Asia, or he would know that sights like this are not that unusual. 3 generations all riding the same scooter, normal. pets, yup all kinds, but dogs are very common. Dog holding the umbrella is a new one, but not at all surprising. Hell I remember seeing gangs of stray dogs, in

Although many of those other sources of distraction, I would argue, are because of boredom. It has long been a contention of many that heavy handed Police enforcement, low speed limits, that more often target the safest roads, result in people simply not being engaged by the act of driving. At slow speeds, especially

Well since I doubt it’s a big truck, a BB Hemi, or a 502ci Chevy are probably not realistic. Although along those lines, I’ve always wanted a Ferrari V12 in a truck.

Poof... you just won the Mind blowing comment of the day. Not sure it would fit in this truck... but I may have just found the motor for my current truck.

Except snobbishness about trucks is really because trucks are demanded to WORK, Work hard, and work reliably. Specs count big. Most importantly, how much can it haul! how well does it haul and how much can it pull! Most importantly it needs to do that reliably. Heavy Loads put huge strains on the truck, and if it

Not from this weekend, I had clear blue sky’s all weekend.

Considering everything else he does that goes against what he should have learned from his training, it's no surprise.

Exactly right, but the 1 correct thing he does seem to remember from his training, is to keep his finger out of the trigger guard until he intents to shoot. Thus he prevented an accidental shooting, especially if he has a Glock.

As a motorcyclist who has ridden on race tracks and the autobahn, I know that had he decided to flee, he would have been pulling away a LOT faster than that. It’s probable that the officer does not realize just how fast and capable that motorcycle is, even compared to his Camaro.

Kind of hard to answer, to many other variables. I’ve gone flat out at 270kmh on my 2000 Yamaha R6 many times on the Autobahn. I even took it out on the Hockenheimring, and had a blast. But the thought of venturing out on the famed Nürburgring, as a Ring Virgin, scared me.

I like Anker as well, because it tricks your phone, regardless of what you own, into thinking it is the OEM charger, thus enabling full power charging. Without this feature your phone restricts the power, which if you are running some power hungry apps is important. Other chargers will just slow the rate the phone

I like Anker as well, because it tricks your phone, regardless of what you own, into thinking it is the OEM charger,

Back when I was a distance runner in track, and Cross country, are coach had us do that kind of training. we would jog slowly for a certain number of minutes min (the rest time varied as the season went on it got shorter), then we had to run 200m as fast as we could. Our coach kept track of our sprints and if we were

First of all good luck finding 1-2% savings account. Even CD’s are less than 1%.

My guess is, that at the time the letter was written, it was written as a letter of intent. To me that seems the most likely reason for using, legal language, in the way it was written. She and the Governor will not call it that, because while a LoI is not a contract, and carries very little legal weight, if viewed as

If I remember correctly they are purchasing the shells. The inners are theirs. Still I suspect they have to modify the helmet to fit their gear and at that point they will have to still get it re-certified.