
Closest thing would be the old Hong Kong airport. Flight path took your right between some of the sky scrappers. Although not quite like what is pictured here, although it did sort of feel like it. I’m not a pilot so I do not know how it was to pilot an aircraft into Hong Kong and the spacing between the flight path

Erik Buell is a genius at engineering, he is innovative, and creative. Unfortunately, as smart and creative as he is as an engineer, he does not have the business smarts to run a manufacturing company. As horrible as Hurley Davardsin was at restricting him, and controlling him, they also protected him from himself. On

Sounds good, but I am skeptical already. I stopped reading almost ALL US motorcycle publications because they all seem to write with the assumption that motorcycling is a game of Russian Roulette. They pander to the safety Nazi’s with endless stories about safety. As I sit here the 3rd link from this story is “Know