Now you know what it must feel like to be a flat earther.
Have to figure it would be tough to sell the mansion anyway, given that it would probably cost 20 million for the property and then another 20 million for the bleach needed to be airdropped on top of it before you’d feel confident to step foot on the property without a pre-emptive shot of penicillin.
But will it simulate the flood of migrants creating traffic jams or will I be fined when I start accidentally trucking people across borders?
Just goes to show there are a lot of people out there who like shortcuts, or have more money than sense.
I’ll have the banana clam in pee sauce. No, on second thought, make it the rectum torte with fudge spray.
No American studio should ever really concern themselves with Japans numbers....they support their own products much more then they do imports.
...what. God damn it Japan, I respect you and your culture, and as an anime fan I can kind of understand, but seriously? I’ve watched some of Yo-Kai Watch, and it’s just... weird. Seems more like another Pokemon knockoff than anything... I’m ashamed of you.
I looked at it. It looks awful.
I miss sprites.
wait what? if the driver didnt have insurance, doesnt that mean she should pay every penny of damages to the guy from her own pocket? isn’t that how it works?
I would do anything for good food, but I won’t do that.
Funny you say that since the second person I “recruited” out of a large group of people just walking around by herself was named Motoko Kusinagi, the main character from the Ghost in the Shell. She was just there right when I was looking for a new clone.
I really don’t see much room for commentary on women’s success here, though, accidental or otherwise. It’s more about how social media and presenting an idealized image of our lives has become so all-consuming.
Yeah for the low low price of $60... I’m sorry but not going to pay the same price as I did for the base game just to be able to drive around. Maybe when the price hits lower but until then
“I eat it with my toes.”
I think there’s a lot of stupid surrounding this, coming from the police, the media, and his parents. Not really so much on him. Unless it was a prank, which would be pretty fucking dumb.
They should allow at least one button masher to play so that he can beat everyone and piss them off.
I actually really like Japan...but this is SO does not take 17 years to become a sushi chef, it takes 17 years because the Japanese culture is all about seniority and process and laboring and artifical barriers to progress. I have no doubt that in the west this could be done in 5-7 years with the same…
That’s what the short dress is for, baka !
except we did get KOTOR 3