Update (11:08 a.m.): He finished the race six minutes behind the winner.
Update (11:08 a.m.): He finished the race six minutes behind the winner.
Can you imagine being the nerd in a suit who has to talk to Harrison, Matthews and Peppers?
When a majority of the people don’t understand a joke, that usually makes it a bad joke.
“Derp, wut coud have possibly happened 2 them if they told there storey??”
“I just can’t fathom a T-rex walkin’ around here, something that man ain’t ever seen.”
As a Packer fan, who rooted for Brady to be suspended, I absolutely deserve this.
Yeah. Because that literally never happens....
Yes. But the real question is, are you going to do this all season?
Bring on Mitch.
How ironic is it that the first major problems with the water are not even the ones that everyone expected (I.E. the poo infested waters surrounding the city).
So, Drew was let go first?
But if you do end up homeless, I’ll take care of your cat. From what you’ve said about him, sounds like a chill cat.
“an well-known”
Is it Roy or Wah? I never figured it out.
Good Sir,
I did not like Gruden the football coach.
That’s it, everyone get out. We’re done here.
He probably isn’t listening to Enya right?