
Just look at the box office from 1984, there's a lot of great "popcorn movies" there. Very few sequels and a lot of original concepts:…

I would find it really hard to give out a lot of positive reviews to what Hollywood is putting out these days. There are maybe 2 or 3 movies per year that I have any interest in seeing. Movies are increasingly made for teenagers and international markets that just want splosions. TV is where the 'art' is at these

This is why I can't stand watching cable news. I don't even bother following stories until the whole event has been wrapped up. I'd rather wait and then read what actually happened in one synopsis. I don't want your slow drip of bullshit. I think people mostly watch cable news for the same reason they go to see shitty

Perhaps these specialty channels lost their viewers when the internet became huge. I mean if I want some specific history I can find it and read it at my own pace. There's also stuff out there like this excellent podcast that's better than anything those channels have ever done:

Most comedians get flack for doing all their old material and not coming up with new stuff. With Chappele he doesn't have that same comedy nerd fanbase, a lot of his fans are knuckledragging joe sixpacks. To them it's like they went to some rock band's reunion tour and just want to hear the hits.