
But enough about Phantom Menace.

He’s my favorite lesbian in the Senate.

Can someone please explain to me how the extremely numerous religious “homosexuality is a sin!” conservative voters of SC are apparently completely oblivious to the fact that Lindsay Graham is very gay?

yeah, gizmodo putting 4 year old articles at the end of current articles messed me up

“Sit down, Michelle, in the back of the bus.”

Rude. Barbie is a renaissance woman who has excelled in a wide variety of careers. Tammy Larynx has never excelled at anything.

Virtue signaling 

That is a pretty amazing, yet classy, insult. I kind of want to know the context now...

*immediately places pre-order*

The difference is the left was disgusted by Anthony Weiner.

It’s not so much “how can they be this rotten”. It’s more, how can they continually manage to surprise us with things that really shouldn’t surprise us at this point. 

I bet these get you prequalified for leasing a Dodge Ram with a 50lb sack of whey protein in the bed.

Now playing

I remember Motorola 2-Way paging had this weird marketing push with rappers. It would pop up awkwardly in some songs. Here is one (@2:13):

I mean that’s essentially what they did for 6 years of Obama and then they got control and promptly pissed down their legs.

. . . and your gold coins from William Devane.

Imagine how much better off they’d have been if they had a contested convention, wrestled the nomination away from Trump, gave it to Rubio, watched Rubio lose to Hillary but take one if not both houses of Congress anyway and spent 4 years grumping, bitching and moaning about her. Think of how much better off they’d

The GOP existed for 150 years and Trump destroyed it in 2. Congratulations.

Shout out to CO!

I found this headline to be much more trashy and manipulative than a typical Jezebel headline, and was sincerely surprised. Titles like this are why I refuse to read BuzzFeed. So far all my comments have been approved, so if this one isn’t at least we know why.

Wait a minute. Megyn Kelly assured me that not only was Jesus white, but so is Santa! I don’t know what to believe in now!