
It’s clearly not joseph in the sculpture. Apparently it’s Mary and a woman named “Saint Anne”

ideals long espoused by conservatives: free minds, free markets and free people.

That chicken? Keep fucking it.

A rich white lady with thin skin? Man, I believe it when I see it.

I’ll confess - I cried when I saw the first Supergirl trailer, before the show premiered. It looked like the show I’d been waiting for - for years, since Wonder Woman went off the air (yes, I’m THAT old!)

Don’t worry, the DCCU will probably implode long before then.

Give us Benoist or give us death.

Give us Benoist or give us death.

I’m still holding out for the Majel Barrett-Roddenberry voiced assistant. I have money in hand for who ever owns the licensing for something like this.

“...nabbing him at his parents’ home where he lives in the basement.”

Man, they really just can’t let this whole “dark and gritty” thing go, can they? Were they all that emotionally scarred by The Dark Knight?

A pox on both their houses. The two companies are remarkably similar in their questionable practices.

Yeah, but The Tick was really good! 

I’m considering that too. Up in November. I imagine my morals will get the best of me. I’ll miss two day shipping though

You leave Kenny out of this.  

Don’t you dare make fun of Kenny Roger Roasters.

I feel the same way.  I cancelled my Prime last week. I have an Echo that I’m thinking about ditching, too.

Same here.  I cancelled the auto-renew when the price increase was announced.  I’m really not finding it worth the price.

While the Wired article does link to a few actual studies, the delivery studies are nice but ultimately insufficient, since the activity of enzymes delivered was not proven. The Lancet article where they showed topical creams containing T4N5 was effective should be taken with the giant caveat that they were used on