
Janelle Monae should play Jocasta or another robo-hero, due to her love of robot stuff. Plus isn’t RiRi a teenager?

To trigger trump supporters and make us giggle.

“Illegal immigration globally is just another way for the globalist to get their desire to break up nation states, and let the UN run the entire thing for their “new world order” crap.”

It is literally impossible to take you seriously. 

For a nation founded by illegal immigrants and your family coming in the US would most likely be called illegal if they did the same thing today, that was extremely dumb what you said.

If he questions that, just say it’s crashing there for the night.

We’ll need a bigger cage.

With this administration we are likely not prepared for the next cold and flu season let alone anything truly catastrophic. I haven’t seen much on the most recent early Ebola outbreak in Africa, but we should all remember the stoic leadership displayed by our current president the last time.

This will come in handy when those uppity belters try to revolt against Earth and Mars, and start dropping rocks on us.

How flat is your flat brim?

What flavor liquid are you putting in your vape?

Is there like, a reverse body kit? Can I un-rice this vehicle?

So, to be clear, we have:

Because we know that Disney will handle Fox as a company and its properties way better than Comcast ever will. Disney may be a ruthless media conglomerate at the very top, but many of the people a bit lower down the ladder actually care deeply about running their companies as well as possible and creating the best

So Comcast (a heavy pusher for the death of net neutrality) is now trying to become a major stockholder for a popular streaming service...

Disney never tried to charge me a $200 fee to NOT have cable in a new condo. I have not spent literal days of my life (cumulatively) on phone or chat with Disney trying to get them to correct some fuck-up or another. Disney doesn’t have a monopoly on pretty much all the entertainment coming in to my home (although

We don’t have to deal with Disney customer service very often and when we do they are amazing. Comcast is the opposite of that.

Rougher and more unfair? Care to back up that claim? Comcast lies and lobby their way to success and gives nothing but subpar service and makes you thank them for the opportunity... At least Disney has the decency to give a guy a reach around :/

Disney and Fox are the ones that tried to screw the average Fox stockholder. Comcast’s deal BEFORE Disney made their current one was better than the Disney deal that came after.

Well, thing is, Disney plays, Comcast dictates. So, yeah.