
Are just not going to address the fact that there is a giant ant playing drums in this trailer?

Hmm. Ever since Amazon introduced it, I’ve seen it as a smile. I never read it as a->z. Just a smile.

No. There really isn’t anything phallic about it at all. Was this article just an excuse to say negative shit about Amazon?

Not to mention, breathing in my friend’s warm, moist, bubble-gum scented vape breath in a small room is fucking gross too.

Australia: where everything evolves into it’s most dangerous form.

It’s just another indication to me that this series should been set post-Voyager, then they could just do whatever they wanted without constraints regarding TOS designs.

I find your co joining of Ass whiping and needing sex disturbing.

Didn’t you get my email explaining the situation?


This whole thing is weird, right? It’s not just me?

You had time to write an epic comment like this but not to read the article you’re commenting on?

I’m from the middle of nowhere South. And I can’t help thinking, all this would be solved if people would fucking use birth control and stop having babies when the community is dirt poor and those kids are just going to grow up suffering.

Don’t worry about that, us Canadians aren’t trying to leave our country for a shithole

Oh, you are one of those ...

He may understand it, but he doesn’t know how to execute it. The middle movie of a trilogy is not the time to kick out the foundations and set of in a bold new direction.

Really?! The man who made the most polarizing Star Wars film ever, that angered many old fans (myself included) understands what Star Wars needs to do to survive?

This one weird trick redistributes the wealth of your country.

Oh, a new report from the Congressional Budget Office finds that the Affordable Care Act redistributed an enormous amount of wealth—$16 billion annually—from the 1 percent to poor Americans?

It’s simple: I want a full list of everything they collect about me, how it’s being used and by whom, and a checkbox whether I want that collection or not (Answer: No). My privacy, my data.

What do you mean by this post? Trump did lose the popular vote.