
Black men do not care that is the truth to many black women refuse to face. BM cannot compete with men of other races on anything substantial outside of sports and bastard children, so they compete with BW. You will never protect , advocate or be loyal to a group you view as competition. BM will put the daughters of

(To be fair, that scrutiny is really only coming from one part of America because the other part absolutely STANS for Janet.)

For one to seek a permanent resolution to what most times is a temporary situation is indicative of the level of pain bearing down on a person. We all have differing survival mechanisms, based on how we have learned to cope or identify viable options and problem solve. There are times when those mechanisms might

You brought tears to my eyes.

Thank you.

Wow and thank you for empathizing and understanding suicide well enough to articulate it this way. This has to be one of the best breakdowns of the suicidal mindset I’ve ever seen. I wish I could give All The Stars To You!

The one and only good thing about this pandemic is that it has given me a (literal and figurative) moment of pause. I have had to focus upon me because that’s all I have in this domicile.  I have had to learn to be content with who I am, learn that I am happy with the core of me.  Since my contact with colleagues and

“Because we deal with the bottom rung of society does not give us an excuse to do whatever we want, and that’s what we’re doing and we’re not being held accountable.”

Remember, he didn’t do this to hurt anyone - he did this to stop hurting. Poor man, this breaks my heart. Such a loss to all of us.

Nah bru, that’s why they keeping the pressure on us for 100's of years.

Fucking hell. I cannot imagine the weight on this man’s shoulders, to feel that this was the step he needed to take.

“there was probably a district-wide smell-test training session”

Thenwas the urgent care clinic in cahoots with her?

I might also idly wonder how many of the adults who made or now enforce this rule, never mind how many think it’s a good idea, fall asleep halfway through Jimmy Fallon’s monologue with their last drink of the night half-finished.

It was his mom who administered the tests ;)

I don’t just want him to be re-instated, I want them to sue the school district. I want the rule book to be changed and all faculty to have to undergo mandatory training.

...Ohio is a medical use state, there was probably a district-wide smell-test training session if they’re going to put it in the handbook, and teachers were kids once. That’s how they’d know.

This is fucking wild. And THC has that pesky desire to attach itself to your fat-cells so it is literally one of the longest-detectable drugs (trace amounts can be detected in an over-the-counter urine test up to 30 days after last ingestion for regular-partakers).

How do they know my guy didn’t just get sprayed by a

Kemper really is outstanding here. Every time she does something I want to cheer.

I've been in love with Kemper since she showed up on The Office. And they even had a character call her Amelia Bedelia, when I've thought Kemper would make a perfect live action Amelia Bedelia if they ever did a movie or anything.