Shelter Cat Update!
Shelter Cat Update!
I’ll always have a soft spot for Michael Jordan in 1991 because it was my first time seeing Stuart Smalley and the character was perfect with Jordan as his game and good hearted opposite. The mirror scene escalates beautifully as Franken feeds him more ridiculous lines and gets him perilously close to breaking.…
I thought Peyton Manning and Derick Jeter were pretty decent hosts. Also, I will never forget watching Joe Montana say the line ‘I’m going upstairs to masturbate’, in a sketch. I was a kid and thought that was the edgiest thing ever.
The contents of a Perkins review of SNL are as foregone as the pending Senate vote on impeachment.
Re: athletes. You didn’t think any of the Charles Barkley shows were good?
Shelter Catstravaganza!
Oh man, I had loafers that looked just like that in 8th grade.
What’s going on in your kitchen? I went forth with an unearned confidence, said it’ll be fine, the bread dough isn’t going to rise that much, I don’t need to use a whole other bowl. It did. It rose. Quite a bit.
Look at it this way; this is the last birthday dinner that you will have to endure. Just smile, nod, and think of your new life with the Bartender in Panama, and remember that you are escaping, and that your family will be forever trapped in their own dreary lives.
I dare you to ask what she’ll miss most when you’re gone.
Aaah! Thoughts and prayers for me because I have to go to a birthday dinner for my narcissistic, selfish, angry mother, who I just told a few days ago that I’m moving to Central America. You know what’s for dinner tonight? That would be me. She’s going to be insanely angry that I’m leaving her, that’s how she’ll see…
As fun as Kate’s Satan was, they should have had someone else as Dersh and used Lovitz’s take on The Devil:
I’m a little late to the party because I’ve had a challenging evening. My husband has borderline personality disorder, and I made the “mistake” of asking him to be more clear in his communication about something... which he took as a personal criticism “attack” (it absolutely wasn’t, and wasn’t phrased that way at…
I spent Tuesday moving every stick of furniture away from the outside-facing walls of the apartment and scrubbing the mold off the walls and windows with straight bleach (anything else is a waste of time—not the first time I’ve done this.) I also vacuumed (good God, the amount of cat litter that gets into the…
Chickens! Nugget is everything.
Can we have a Brag Thread? Many, many frustrations large and small lately, but the spicy black bean and turkey chili I made tonight came out SO EFFING GOOD, and the “tickets” I made today for our local bar’s bourbon-tasting event also came out SO EFFING GOOD, so for once I’m pretty damned pleased with myself.
Happy SNS! I haven’t been around much because of holidays and travel and family shit.Hope y’all had good holidays and survived the madness. I for one am glad that it’s over.
My brother with diverticulitis finally got out of the hospital this week. He has a bag to collect watery, 70 percent digested food attached to his small intestines for six weeks before he can have surgery again and get everything put back operating correctly. It’s not great because he will be out of work to recover two…
Random Chicken post: My chicken, Nugget, has had such an eventful year! She spent most of spring broody (which means she really wanted to be a momma and sat on unfertilized eggs for weeks) and then this fall she was attacked very badly by a fox. She fought him off and saved her flock and lost all of her beautiful…
Can you make money doing these Mukbang videos? Because if yes, then I’m all in. I can eat mass quantities and talk about nothing much at the same time - been doing it for years - but never monetized it...