
Agreed. Author didn’t appear to literally even watch the trailer to write this. The actor appears middle eastern but regardless, REALLY weird segue to start with that kind of casting discussion but then immediately turn it into gross objectification- plus the add on of stupid bullshit religious nonsense negating THEIR

Korean Jesus is kind of beautiful tho

Does this cute Jesus not look like he could be from Jerusalem?  I don’t understand why we don’t like him or think he’s too white.

Christian Bale was a pretty hot Moses. I would consider it. 

Yeah, I have to admit that Netflix Jesus is probably more or less ethnically similar to the population Jesus would have come from if he were real. It’s not like the chose Jim Caviezel (sp) or something.

One common symptom that a person has contracted the brain rot disease of Hotep-ery is when they start to imply that people from the northern parts of Africa are basically white.

Both these Jesus look like what my grandparents would have called “ethnic.”  Which basically translates to “not white-white, but, like, Middle-Eastern, or maybe Italian or something.”

Yeah I thought that was super weird.

Yeah, when I read “light skinned,” I think, “Can take off his shirt and use his chest as a reflective surface for orbital distance calibrating lasers.”

Are Tunisians white now?

*puts on spectacles*

Does Netflix Jesus count as light skinned? I mean. What even is this article

I don’t know if it’s a concept album, but Spacemen 3's “The Perfect Prescription” sure seems to mimic the stages of a drug trip, from rush to ecstasy to brutal comedown. Of course, I think it’s one of the best albums ever put on tape by anyone, anywhere, but I suppose if I had to choose a fave concept album -- and I

Mellon Collie & the Infinite Sadness and Disintegration - my two favorite albums of all time - even though neither is a true concept album.

Gwen won.

Now playing

Not a single mention of Neil’s Heavy Concept Album?

The story makes no sense, and the album drags a touch in places, but Mars Volta ‘Francis the Mute’ whips ass.

and if Murder Was The Case can be considered such(and totally should be), that too.

Gotta go with Jesus Christ Superstar.