I mean, Ilana would probably make me tired IRL because she’s VERY high-energy and I’m An Old, but also I feel like everyone should have friends that are that relentlessly confidence-building, so... ::shrug::
I mean, Ilana would probably make me tired IRL because she’s VERY high-energy and I’m An Old, but also I feel like everyone should have friends that are that relentlessly confidence-building, so... ::shrug::
Right? Or Johnny from the movie Airplane.
Billy Childish must find that pretty amusing.
I was gonna say; both Fleabag and the Broad City women are an absolute delight. I wouldn’t consider them ‘unlikeable.’
A woman was literally mauled to death by wild pigs yesterday. In Texas. “Death by exsanguination.” Nothing cute about them.
I will say he looks fine in that wetsuit. I think the best revenge would be to get as ripped as Chris and then get as many thirst trap shirtless paparazzi pictures taken as possible. Do it Liam, I dare you.
As someone who has been through non famous person divorce with a child under 6 this saddens me. I know it takes a lot from both people to put themselves out of the equation and truly do what is right for the child:(
In the immortal words of one of our greatest philosophers:
Wait. Were we not supposed to like those women? Because I want each one to be my ride or die.
I’m sorry but I literally have to ask: Is it pronounced “fart” or “fartra”?
But reality tv people are usually such good people...
On average, people bought 60% more garments in 2014 than they did in 2000. Production makes up 10% of humanity’s carbon foot-print, dries up water sources, and pollutes rivers and streams. 85% of ALL textiles go to the dump each year.
a penis of unusual size.
As someone who has been broke up with by text after six months I know that indirectly breaking up with someone is cowardly and just plain wrong, but I still wish I knew this was even an option (even if this was fake) for the times I’ve wanted to break up with people because at least they’d get a story out of it. Extra…
I work in production for film shoots, I literally can’t help but think about how these professional shoots come together.
I believe that’s his real penis with some caveats.
Taint that the truth.
Yeah, that’s definitely a picture of a sunbathing asshole.