
Neutral: The US just broke the record for dividend payouts and yet still can’t seem to keep afloat without cutting their workforce. Automation and Electrification are easy scapegoats, but the reality is corporate America’s priorities don’t lie with the company itself, but with shortsighted profits for their investors.

My car cannot be better than my clients

Should be enough for the headline every day.

Come for the jalops

Her shoes are 2 sizes too big for her.

I always liked the New Edge Mustangs. Something about their styling just doesn’t seem to age the way most cars do. And, happily, they’re becoming cheaper as early 2000s cars come into that era of “not old enough to be a classic, but not new enough to still be desirable as new-ish cars”.

I... I... just. Thank you for the honor. I never expected a COTD, or a $kaycog delivery.

I don’t get it, either. I’ve got a pretty high salary and only one kid, and I’m still usually looking at used stuff in the $20K-30K range. Then again, people seem to talk like $500+ a month for a car is normal, so I guess I’m just out of touch.

So what the fuck is the individual citizen to do? I’ve lived beneath the poverty line most of my goddamn life and I’ve barely enough resources to support my family. I live in AK (a Red state) so I know that my phone call to Murkowski was just a waste and the only thing I’m doing when I argue with my Red neighbors is

Non-functional aero has to be my number one most hated thing about modern cars. It can perfectly ruin a car’s design (looking at you, Civic).

I believe that is what angels sound like...

There are no rules in Michigan.

Sounds like

Sounds like a car with a lot of power and the driver bogs it out of every gear. It seriously sounds worse every time I listen to that video.

Double your pleasure.

Congratulations, Mr. PatBateman, on COTD! I would like to gift you with a Ford Focus RS which this lovely lady will deliver as soon as she gets a Drift Stick.

Deuce and a half is almost always the right answer.