
Thank you for making a video like this and for having the strength to deal with the assholes trying to make your life difficult day in and day out.

Hang in there. 40 years in broadcasting, and while it once was worse - at least it wasn’t this immediate. And back then some of the scary dudes could be tracked down. Men need to step up and shut down their peers that pull this bullshit. Because the perps have no respect for women.

Oh wow, you’re on here. I feel a bit verklempt.

And this isn’t just sports reporters that face this harassment. This is happening to all women, all day online. All. Fucking. Women. All. Fucking. Day.

Sometimes when I’m lazing in bed and letting my girth spill out in all of it’s splendor, I completely envision myself as Jabba (except with my adorable face).

I think people desperately want to separate athletes as athletes from athletes as people, because you’d inevitably have to take a really hard look at whatever sport you prefer over boxing. “Yeah, go ahead and criticize Mayweather, but I bet you support the NFL and their woman-beaters amirite?” I don’t think any

It’s plausible but I’m doubtful for few reasons.

hahah, is that gif from after she lied about being pregnant?


As fucking dumb and offensive the idea of arm spanx is to me, I would wear them every day if it meant Ted Cruz also had to wear them.

I really don't want to be this person. I apologize in advance.

I know people who prefer Olive Garden to really good Italian food. Doesn't mean I think their opinion matters.

It's so hard when every single American president has been a man, and most of congress is run by dudes too. Oh the humanity.

I plan on getting through this the same way I got through the first one: picturing Thorin Oakenshield as his normal, actor self. Behold, Richard Armitage in all his non-costumed glory: