
Fantasies can offer us visions and goals, but they can’t function as blueprints.

First of all, everything makes conservatives feel threatened. It’s what they do.

I can dig it. Perhaps White people (or anyone who is a guest at a conversation where they have more social power than the participants) and learn to be quiet and speak when spoken to.

If I didn’t have family on FB and it wasn’t the best way to keep in contact with them, I’d dump it entirely. As it is, I rarely ever post.


I’ve never heard a Yachty song in my life. Which is funny since I bet Yachty never heard a Joe Budden song in his life.

When someone says they are “always happy,” what they mean, is that they are a generally optimistic person and that their life is in a good place at that moment. It’s not someone trying to bullshit you and pretend like they literally never get mad/sad/frustrated about anything. It’s that those feelings don’t last long

People always feel the need to tear down other people. If it is not your thing, then don’t listen to it.

This kind of shit is why I immediately mute every single human being on voice chat in any online multiplayer game.

Let me remind everyone that Dellor’s free speech wasn’t violated. Toronto Esports has no obligation to give his bigotry a platform. Especially in Canada, where free speech isn’t absolute and there are restrictions on hate speech.

“Vaughn, a 28-year-old adult”

I too have a friend like that. Trying to explain to him why that isn’t okay is completely fruitless too. Something about how it refers to lazy people and not black people. Because, you know, some middle class white guy should totally be able to redefine a racial slur so he is allowed to say it consequence free.

12 year olds shouldn’t be behaving like this either

You may already know this, but in addition to allowing the muting of all voice chat channels, “Overwatch” has a built-in profanity filter. Certainly, some people will try to get around it, but in my experience, this hardly ever happens. Additionally, the EU servers are apparently exceptionally quiet, so you could play

Won’t someone think of the manchildren???

“Vaughn, a 28-year-old adult”

inb4 “liberal politically correct sjw cucks bring down another brave martyr in the name of spouting off like a 12 year old.”

“You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”